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此文是举世瞩目,震动世界的重要新闻。它的一大特点是时效快,它比东道国的美联社快二十分钟,比路透社快十五分钟,在新闻报道的时间性上为我国争得了荣誉。消息的内容和结构也具特色。全文仅三百一十三个字,却写得比较丰满、全面。作者用中国体育代表团副团长陈先的谈话,画龙点睛地指出中国在奥运会历史上得到第一块金牌,实现“零”的突破,在中国历史上具有深远意义;简短的文字还介绍了许海峰的年龄、籍贯和职务,这都是读者所想知道的。 This article is the world’s attention, shake the world’s important news. One of its major features is the quick aging, which is about 20 minutes faster than the Associated Press of the host country and 15 minutes faster than the Reuters, winning honor for our country in the timeliness of news coverage. The content and structure of the message is also unique. The full text only three hundred and thirteen words, but written more plump, comprehensive. Using the talk of Chen Xian, deputy head of the Chinese sports delegation, the author pointed out that China has won the first gold medal in the history of the Olympic Games and achieved a breakthrough of “zero”, which has far-reaching significance in Chinese history. The brief text also introduces Xu Haifeng’s age, place of origin and job, which are all readers want to know.
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