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“就好了”是一种指强烈希望某虚拟事件为真的祈愿成分,既可用于已然事件,也可用于未然事件。该成分具有强对话特征,包括外显对话和内心对话两种形式,不能用为转述句。来源上,“就好了”的祈愿功能是通过对普通主谓小句的谓语“好”做主观化提升而形成的。“就好了”的祈愿功能是在复句中形成的,有演化为语气助词的趋势。 “Good ” is a prayer component that strongly hopes a virtual event is true, and can be used for both already-existing and unexpected events. The composition has strong conversational features, including explicit dialogue and inner dialogue in two forms, can not be used as a transposing sentence. On the source, the praying function of “just fine” is formed through the subjective promotion of the predicate “good ” of the ordinary verb / clauses. “Just fine ” pray function is formed in the complex sentence, there evolve into the trend of mood modifier.
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