我国农业发展进入新阶段 ,加入 WTO也将带来国际经济环境的大改变 ,适时地调整我国农业保护目标和框架是必然之举。我国的农业保护应以提高农业综合实力为目标 ,由良好的宏观调控体系、完善的农产品流通体系、以发展农产品比较优势为核心的农业生产结构和有力的边境控制手段共同构成其框架。
China’s agricultural development has entered a new phase. Joining the WTO will also bring about major changes in the international economic environment. It is an inevitable move to timely adjust the goals and framework for agricultural protection in China. China’s agricultural protection should aim at improving the comprehensive strength of agriculture. Its framework consists of a sound macro-control system, a well-developed circulation system for agricultural products, and an agricultural production structure and a powerful border control mechanism centered on the development of the comparative advantages of agricultural products.