品牌引资 内部买断——长沙电表厂转机建制的新探索

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我厂现有职工1400余人,固定资产3500余万元,资产总额近亿元,具有年产电度表200万台的生产能力,企业在发展过程中,投入的技改和流动资金主要依靠银行贷款,企业每年仅工资、费用及银行利息就高达900余万元。在计划经济向市场经济转轨的过程中,我们认为,除了市场竞争的激烈中企业经营管理存在诸多问题外,不能不看到产权制度的缺陷,机构庞大,冗员过多,债务沉重等等计划经济体制下形成的痼疾,成为企业解困、发展的重大障碍。通过深入剖析企业历史和现实的状况,从发挥优势,转换劣势出发,我们作出了让度产品生产权,引资生产,促进内部经营机制转换的重大决策。 Our factory has more than 1,400 employees, more than 35 million yuan in fixed assets, total assets of nearly 100 million yuan, and has an annual production capacity of 2 million meters of power meters. In the course of development, the technological transformation and liquidity invested mainly depend on bank loans. The annual salary, expenses, and bank interest of enterprises are as high as more than 900 million yuan. In the process of transition from a planned economy to a market economy, we believe that apart from the fierce competition in the market, there are many problems in the management of enterprises. We must not fail to see the defects of the property rights system, large institutions, excessive redundancy, heavy debts, etc. The diarrhea formed under the system has become a major obstacle for enterprises to overcome difficulties and develop. Through in-depth analysis of the history of the company and its actual conditions, and from the perspective of the advantages and the transformation of disadvantages, we have made major decisions to allow for the production of production rights, the introduction of capital production, and the promotion of internal business mechanism conversion.
WHEN the boy entered Grade Six,his teacher repeatedly advised his mother:“Be prepared,your son’s chances of going to a middle school,even a mediocre one,are s
美国存储技术公司(StorageTek)近日在北京宣布成立北京代表处。StorageTek董事长、总裁兼首席执行官卫仕达(David E.Weiss)先生出席了成立庆典。 StorageTek announced the
7月29日,在Cisco公司1999财年伊始,Cisco 50家新近获得认证的高级认证代理商以及银牌代理、分销总代理的代表云集天山脚下。Cisco公司中国区董事总经理沈少华先生和中国区代