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目的了解和评价土源性线虫防病健康教育干预项目点四川省宜宾市翠屏区秋场镇开展居民健康知识和健康行为教育的基本情况及其成效。方法对该项目点2008年以来实施中国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)卫生公益性行业科研专项《建立土源性线虫病综合防治示范区》的相关情况,采用中国疾病预防控制中心健康教育中心所设计的调查问卷实施了问卷调查,2008年在秋场镇调查800人,2014-01在该地再次完成调查800人,并对调查结果进行统计对比分析。结果经过5年多的健康教育干预工作,当地农村居民对土源性线虫病防治知识知晓率从44.9%上升到64.2%,知晓率的升高有统计学意义(χ2=75.1,P<0.01);健康生活行为形成率从46.2%上升到60.8%,行为形成率的增长有统计学意义(χ2=126.3,P<0.01)。结论秋场镇开展的土源性线虫病防治为主题的健康教育工作效果显著。 Objective To understand and evaluate the health education and intervention project of soil-borne nematode prevention and treatment in Qiujing Town, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, to carry out the basic situation and effect of health education on residents’ health and behavior. Methods From 2008 onwards, the project implementation of CDC public health industry scientific research project “to establish a comprehensive demonstration area of ​​soil-borne nematode disease,” the relevant circumstances, the use of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention Health Education Center designed Of the questionnaire survey conducted in 2008 in Qiuzhen 800 people surveyed in 2014-01 again completed the survey of 800 people in the area, and the statistical analysis of the survey results. Results After more than five years of intervention in health education, the awareness rate of local residents on the prevention and control of soilborne nematode disease rose from 44.9% to 64.2%. The awareness rate was significantly increased (χ2 = 75.1, P <0.01) ; The rate of formation of healthy life increased from 46.2% to 60.8%, and the increase of behavior formation rate was statistically significant (χ2 = 126.3, P <0.01). Conclusion The health education work on the theme of prevention and treatment of soil-borne nematodes in Qiutan Town has a remarkable effect.
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