康有为应试不酬,三叩紫禁城大门受挫,非常气愤。一八八九年十月,他怀着兴办学校,培养维新人才,以实现自己变法维新的政治理想,毅然离开北京,回到了家乡——广东。 次年,三十三岁的康有为在广州云衢书屋聚徒讲学,第二年在长兴里开堂收徒,讲堂起名叫“万木草堂”。 “万木草堂”是一所崭新的学校,在这里,康有为一反当时的传统,对教学内容和教学形式进行了大胆的改革。他把“万木草堂”里所有的学科分为四类:义理之学,包括孔学、佛学、宋明理学、西方哲学,在批判宋明理学的基础上,重点研究书中
Kang Youwei should try not to pay, three knocking Forbidden City door frustrated, very angry. In October 1889, with the founding of schools and training of new talents to realize his political ideal of reform and reform, he resolutely left Beijing and returned to his hometown of Guangdong. The following year, Kang Youwei, a 33-year-old student, gave a lecture in a bookstore at Guangzhou’s Yunqu Bookstore. The second year was opened in Changxing and was called “Wanmu Cottage.” “Wanmu Cottage” is a brand new school, where Kang Youwei has daringly reformed its teaching contents and teaching forms in an anti-current tradition. He divides all the disciplines in “Wanmu Cottage” into four categories: the theory of justice, including Confucianism, Buddhism, Song and Ming studies, and western philosophy. Based on the critique of the Neo-Confucianism,