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塞外新兴工业城市——乌海,它的上空,翱翔着一只矫健的雄鹰;这就是内蒙古第二通用机械厂,又名954厂、内蒙古黄河化工厂。该厂原属兵器工业部的军工企业,随着经济体制改革的逐步深入,在当地工商银行的大力支持下,厂里投资8000多万元进行了大规模的技术改造,建成了年产1000万条复合水泥编织袋生产线、年产1000万吨电石生产线和年产1500吨烧碱、1000吨聚氯乙稀及年产15000吨盐酸、5000吨液氯生产装置.形成了集化工、轻工、机械制造为一体的综合型企业,从而成功地实现了企业经营机制的转换,使企业步入了良性循环发展的轨道。作为西北地区较大的、有一定影响的国营大中型企业之一,内蒙古第二通用机械厂设备优良、技术力量雄厚、工艺先进;工厂占地面积80万平方米,固定资产已达1.1亿元,是以前的10倍,职工人数由原来的800人增到2000人;全厂16岁以上待业青年全部就业.预计1994年底,该厂年产值可达8900万元,利税可达2800万元。 The new industrial city outside of Saiwu, Wuhai, hovered over it with a vigorous eagle; this is the second general machinery factory in Inner Mongolia, also known as the 954 Factory and the Yellow River Chemical Plant in Inner Mongolia. The plant was originally a military enterprise of the Ordnance Industry Department. With the gradual deepening of the economic system reform, with the strong support of the local ICBC, the factory invested more than 80 million yuan for a large-scale technological transformation and built an annual output of 10 million. A compound cement woven bag production line, an annual production capacity of 10 million tons of calcium carbide production line and an annual output of 1,500 tons of caustic soda, 1,000 tons of polyvinyl chloride, and an annual output of 15,000 tons of hydrochloric acid and 5,000 tons of liquid chlorine production equipment. Formed a collection of chemicals, light industry, machinery The integrated manufacturing-integrated enterprise successfully achieved the transformation of the enterprise operating mechanism and enabled the company to enter a virtuous cycle of development. As one of the larger and influential state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises in the northwestern region, Inner Mongolia Second General Machinery Factory has excellent equipment, strong technical force, and advanced technology; the factory covers an area of ​​800,000 square meters, and the fixed assets have reached 110 million yuan. The number of employees was increased from 800 to 2,000; the total number of factory-employed young people over the age of 16 was all employed. It is estimated that by the end of 1994, the annual output value of the plant could reach 89 million yuan, and the profit and tax could reach 28 million yuan.
对己烯雌酚伍米索前列醇或卡孕栓诮用于胚胎停止发育流产56例进行了临床观察,结果报告如下: 1 临床资料1.1 一般资料