Cooperative Answering of Fuzzy Queries

来源 :Journal of Computer Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ptcptsu
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The majority of existing information systems deals with crisp data through crisp database systems.Traditional Database Management Systems(DBMS) have not taken into account imprecision so one can say there is some sort of lack of flexibility.The reason is that queries retrieve only elements which precisely match to the given Boolean query.That is,an element belongs to the result if the query is true for this element;otherwise,no answers are returned to the user.The aim of this paper is to present a cooperative approach to handling empty answers of fuzzy conjunctive queries by referring to the Formal Concept Analysis(FCA) theory and fuzzy logic.We present an architecture which combines FCA and databases. The processing of fuzzy queries allows detecting the minimal reasons of empty answers.We also use concept lattice in order to provide the user with the nearest answers in the case of a query failure. The majority of existing information systems deals with crisp data through crisp database systems .Traditional Database Management Systems (DBMS) have not taken into account imprecision so one can say there is some sort of lack of flexibility. The reason is that queries queries only elements which precisely match to the given Boolean query.That is, an element belongs to the result if the query is true for this element; otherwise, no answers are returned to the user. The aim of this paper is to present a cooperative approach to handling empty answers of fuzzy conjunctive queries by referring to the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) theory and fuzzy logic.We present an architecture which combines FCA and databases. The processing of fuzzy queries allows the minimal reasons of empty answers.We also use concept lattice in order to provide the user with the nearest answers in the case of a query failure.
(一)采精前的准备n  1.选择发情好的健康母羊作台羊,后躯应擦干净,头部固定在采精架上。训练好的公羊,用公羊作台羊或假台羊等都能采出精液来。
(一)肠痉挛n  1.病因。因不良因素刺激肠平滑肌发生痉挛性收缩。如寒冷刺激、冰冻饲料、霉变饲料等。天气炎热时,急饮冷水或气温突变,如暑天突然被暴雨淋湿,或久雨过后太阳暴晒,
(一)发病情况n  山东省龙口市东江一养殖场,2012年春从外地引进100余只波尔山羊,在山上放养。由于无饲养经验,防疫、饲养管理跟不上,再加上刚出生的羔羊抵抗力弱,导致羔羊发病。发
(一)改善环境,注意通风、散热、遮阳n  1.种植遮荫植物。鸡舍间要植树种草,尽量以绿化覆盖。要求既要注意遮荫效果,又要注意不影响通风排污,特别注意不能影响鸡舍窗洞的进风。在