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大柳树水利枢纽坝址位于黄河上游干流黑山峡峡谷出口处 ,上距兰州 2 5 0km ,下距银川 160km ,控制黄河流域总面积的 3 3 .6% ,总径流量的 5 8% ,总输沙量的 10 % ;水多沙少 ,水资源开发条件优越。拦河大坝拟采用面板堆石坝 ,正常高水位 13 80m ,最大坝高 163 .5m。总库容 110亿m3 ,经水库冲淤平衡 ,10 0年后还可永久保留 5 0亿m3 库容。水电站装机容量 2 0 0万kW ,年发电量 78亿kW·h。大柳树水库与龙羊峡、小浪底水库为黄河水沙调控体系的三大骨干工程 ,大柳树水库具有承上启下、反调节径流、兼顾各方面利益的独特功能 ,是有利于黄河上、中、下游的战略性工程。其主要作用是 :调节上游径流 ,增加黄河可用水源 ,缓解黄河断流 ,改善水沙条件 ,维持主汛期造床输沙流量 ,减轻河道淤积萎缩 ,提供生态用水 ,建设绿色屏障 ,防治荒漠化 ,改善生态环境 ;大幅度提高黄河上游梯级电站发电效益 ;提高宁蒙河段防洪标准 ;防治冰凌灾害 ;从治理和开发黄河全局出发 ,综合效益更大。另外 ,大柳树工程还是南水北调西线工程的调节水库与西电东送北部通道的调节枢纽 ,对于西部开发和黄河治理具有不可替代的战略作用。 The dam site of Daliushu Water Control Project is located at the exit of Heishan Gorge in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. It is 250 km from Lanzhou and 160 km away from Yinchuan, controlling 33.6% of the total area of ​​the Yellow River Basin and 58% of the total runoff. 10% of the amount of sand; less water and less water, superior conditions for the development of water resources. Dam rock dam intends to use the face rockfill dam, the normal high water level 1380m, the maximum dam height 163.5m. The total storage capacity of 11 billion m3, after the reservoir erosion and sedimentation balance, 10 years after the permanent preservation of 50 million m3 of storage capacity. Hydropower installed capacity of 20 million kW, annual power generation of 7.8 billion kW · h. Daliushu Reservoir and Longyangxia and Xiaolangdi Reservoir are the three key projects of Yellow River water and sediment regulation system. Daliushu Reservoir has the unique function of bearing on, opening up, regulating and regulating runoff and giving consideration to the interests of all parties, which is in favor of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River Strategic Engineering. Its main functions are: to adjust the upstream runoff, increase the available water source of the Yellow River, relieve the Yellow River cutoff, improve the water and sediment conditions, maintain the bed sediment transport flow in the main flood season, reduce the siltation and shrinkage of the river channel, provide ecological water, construct green barriers, combat desertification and improve Ecological environment; greatly improve the efficiency of power generation of the cascade hydropower stations in the upper reaches of the Yellow River; enhance the flood control standards of the Ningmeng reach; prevent and cure ice-storm disasters; and proceed from the overall situation of harnessing and developing the Yellow River. In addition, the Daliushu Project is also a regulating hub for the regulation reservoirs of the western route of the South-North Water Diversion Project and the north channel for the transmission of electricity from the West to the East, and plays an irreplaceable strategic role in the development of the West and Yellow River governance.
北京李女士来信:  我一直很关注自己的皮肤,之前常到美容院做护理,保湿美白、抗敏防皱,一套美容程序下来,皮肤显得水嫩光滑,别人都说我特别年轻。虽然花了不少钱,但效果这么好,我还是很开心,这钱花得值。但前不久,我去美容院时,正赶上我平时用的那款产品没有了,美容小姐帮我推荐了另一款也适合我皮肤的产品。可谁知道做完几天后,我脸部皮肤好像变薄了,还长出了红斑、丘疹,又红又痒。  我以为自己对新换的美容产品
脱发固然和遗传、工作压力、生活习惯等因素有关,但有些脱发则是由头皮屑间接引发。据医院皮肤科专家介绍,在人们的头皮上,隐藏着鲜为人知的一种“头皮杀手”,它就是导致头皮屑过量产生和脱发的糠秕马拉色菌。实际上,它也是脱发症状产生的诱因之一。   糠秕马拉色菌的过量繁殖会严重削弱头皮的防御屏障,造成表皮细胞会成群大片脱落,头皮屑的反复发作使头皮细胞层严重受损,变薄的头皮细胞层再也不能滋养毛囊,稳固发根,脱