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做企业有三种境界:生存、立足和奠定基业。企业在进入一个新行业的时候别无选择地要先解决生存问题,随后想方设法在竞争中打败对手脱颖而出。但要真正成为一个有长久生命力的领先企业,并不是仅仅靠关注竞争就能获得的。“2005财年我们提出了‘SPEED’(加速领跑)战略,通过一年的努力也逐步实现了‘领跑’目标,联想手机的整体市场份额从3%提高到7%。但这个战略还是更多地从竞争对手来考虑,以紧盯对手实现的成功抢摊”。“2006年,我们将超越关注同行竞争的战略思路,而更集中于关注客户体验,将企业从‘竞争驱动’转型为‘客户驱动’,这将是联想移动在2006年的”超越“战略;也是联想手机真正成长为中国市场上强大的、优秀的国产品牌,甚至世界性品牌的致胜之道!”4月11日在联想移动2006财年战略发布会上,总经理刘志军如是说。看来,在跃居整体手机市场排名全国第四的位置长达半年之久后,联想移动战车快速前进的愿望和脚步并没有停下。 Doing business has three realms: survival, based and lay foundation. When entering a new industry, companies have no choice but to solve the problem of survival, and then find ways to beat competitors in the competition stand out. But truly becoming a leader with long-term viability is not something you can just focus on competition. “In FY 2005, we put forward the SPEED (Accelerated Leading) strategy and gradually achieved the goal of” Leading “through one year’s efforts. The overall market share of Lenovo handsets increased from 3% to 7% .But this strategy is even more More from the competitors to consider, in order to keep an eye on the success of the rival to grab ”. “In 2006, we will move beyond the strategic thinking that focuses on peer competition and focus more on the customer experience, transforming the enterprise from ’competitive driven’ to ’customer driven’, which will be the” beyond “ ”Strategy; Lenovo mobile phone is really growing into a strong, excellent domestic brands on the Chinese market, and even the world’s brand of winning!“ ”April 11 Lenovo Mobile 2006 fiscal year strategic conference, general manager Liu Zhijun if Say. It seems that in the overall mobile phone market rankings ranked fourth in the country for more than six months after the position, the desire and pace of rapid mobile Lenovo mobile tank did not stop.
对养鸽者来说,其粪便的各种变化都显示鸽子的健康状况,细心乃至正确的判断是至关重要的,但我们还是有必要对其机理心知肚明。 For pigeon saviors, the changes in their fa
目的 探讨医源性血管损伤的动脉造影表现和栓塞治疗的临床价值.方法 18例因外科手术或介入插管引起的血管损伤患者中15例接受了动脉造影,10例经导管进行了栓塞治疗.结果 15例
目的 建立SYBR Green I Real-time PCR检测HBV-DNA方法,并检测IFN-CSP对HepG2.2.15细胞内HBV-DNA影响。方法 提取HepG2.2.15细胞DNA,PCR扩增后纯化,PCR纯化产物梯度稀释作为标准