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从朝代更迭的怪圈到启蒙与政治的怪圈是中国古代政治到近代政治转折的一个突出特点。朝代更迭怪圈形成了在平面维度上的历史循环怪圈,专制政治在这个怪圈中只有变化没有进步。从戊戌变法到20世纪上半叶,中国政治形成了一个思想启蒙与政治统治的另外一个怪圈,没有思想启蒙不能带来民主化的现代政治,这是启蒙者的共识,也是历史的事实。但是掌权者却每每以中国救主自认,认为没有强大的中央集权就不能对外应付列强瓜分,对内不能消弭动荡,而且唯有自身是民主的引导者,民间的民主诉求都是动乱、叛逆,进而采取压制舆论的政策,结果成了民主的反面力量。《庸言》经历了支持中央集权到反对专制的过程,自身几乎经历了这样一个怪圈的过程,浓缩了从戊戌到五四的思想轨迹。 From the vicissitudes of the dynasties to the vicissitudes of enlightenment and politics, they are a prominent feature of the political transition from ancient China to modern times. The vicissitudes of the dynasties formed a vicious cycle of historical cycles in the plane dimension, and the autocratic politics did not make any changes in this cycle. From the Reform Movement of 1898 to the first half of the 20th century, Chinese politics formed another vicious circle of ideological enlightenment and political rule. Without ideological enlightenment, it can not bring about the democratization of modern politics. This is the consensus of the enlighteners and the fact of history. However, the rulers often consider themselves as the Chinese savior, believing that without strong centralization, they can not be dealt with externally by the powers and can not eliminate internal turmoil, and only themselves are the guides of democracy. Civilian democratic demands are all chaotic and rebellious , And then take the policy of suppressing public opinion, the result has become the opposite force of democracy. “Yongyan” went through the process of supporting the centralization of power to oppose autocracy. It almost experienced such a vicious circle and condensed the ideological trajectory from the Reform Movement of 1898 to the May Fourth Movement.
<正> 1.前言 果冻是一种深受儿童喜爱的嗜好性食品,目前国内果冻市场呈上升趋势。鸡蛋是一种富含蛋白质、脂肪、无机盐和维生素A_1、B_1、B_2的高蛋白食品。鸡蛋果冻的开发研
【正】 布阿吉尔贝尔是法国古典政治经济学的创始人,重农学派的先驱者。他把资本主义经济研究从流通领域转移到生产领域,与英国古典政治经济学家通常从分配的角度说明资本主