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1.离合器故障(1)离合器分离不开轮式机械行驶途中离合器分离不开又需换挡变速时,可按如下方法操作:低挡换高挡:以低速挡加速行驶,待速度提高之后迅速减小油门,与此同时及时拨动变速杆挂入高一级挡位。高挡换低挡:先减油门,待车速降至接近下一级挡位的较低车速时迅速摘挡并挂入低一级挡位。离合器分离不开时,采用拉杆操纵的应调整拉杆及联动组件;采用绳索操纵的应调整钢丝拉绳,若拉绳折断,可用铁丝临时代用;采用液压操纵的应检查油液并排除空气。 1. Clutch failure (1) Clutch separation is not open Wheeled mechanical separation on the road when the clutch is not open and need to shift gear, you can operate as follows: Low gear for high gear: low gear speeding, speed to be quickly after Reduce the throttle, at the same time in a timely manner to shift the gear lever into a higher gear. High gear for low gear: the first reduction of the throttle, until the speed dropped to a lower gear near the lower speed when the rapid pick and hung into the lower gear. When the clutch is not separated, the lever and the linkage assembly should be adjusted by the lever control; the cable should be adjusted by rope control; if the cord is broken, the iron wire may be temporarily replaced; and if the hydraulic control is adopted, the oil should be checked and the air excluded.
卡特彼勒330C型挖掘机配置CAT C-9型柴油机。该型柴油机采用液压电控单体式喷油器(HEUI)实现燃油喷射以及喷油量的精确控制,可使用电子技师(ET)对柴油机进行故障诊断。本文就