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“天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福”。在社会、经济、自然生活中,突发性的灾害是不以人的意志为转移的。近年来,我国新闻界对灾害性报道越来越重视,也有了一些重大改进,一批触及“热点”、“焦点”,感动人心,有人情味的报道与读者、听众、观众见了面。但是,在报纸、广播电视中,报小忧不报大忧,报救灾过程不报人祸安置,缺乏人情味和深度的报道还不少见。我认为,新闻必须有人情味,特别是灾害性报道要有人情味。它是提高报道的新闻价值,增强新闻的可读性的一个重要方面,也是改进灾害性报道的一个重要内容。要人动情,必须首先让人知情; 隐瞒灾情等于愚弄欺骗人的感情。事真是增强灾害性报道人情味的前提和基础。当灾害发生后(特别是重大突发性灾害),人们总是企望从报纸、广播、电视中及时得到他们关心的真实的信息。如果他们得到的是虚假的、滞后的信息,他们就会有一种被新闻愚弄、欺骗的感觉,就会对新闻媒介失去信任。 1987年的大兴安岭特大森林火灾,是中国历史上一段震憾人心的悲剧。关于火灾的报道,毫无疑问,也是中国新闻事业史册上光辉的一页。这次报道的成 “There are unexpected events, people have good and bad fortune.” In social, economic and natural life, sudden disasters are not transferred from human will. In recent years, the press of our country has paid more and more attention to disaster reports and made some major improvements. A series of reports touching on “hot spots”, “focal points”, moving people’s hearts and having human touch met audiences, audiences and audiences. However, in newspapers, radio and television, it is not uncommon for newspapers to report small worries and not report people’s misfortunes in the course of handling the disaster and lack of human touch and depth. I think the news must have a human touch, especially when it comes to catastrophic reports. It is an important aspect of improving the newsworthiness of a story and enhancing the readability of the story, as well as an important part of improving disaster reporting. Esoteric, must first be informed; hide the disaster is equal to deceive people’s feelings. It is a prerequisite and basis for enhancing the human nature of disastrous reports. When disaster strikes (especially sudden major disasters), people always expect to get the real message they care about from newspapers, radio and television. If they get false, lagged messages, they will have a sense of fooling and cheating in news, losing trust in the news media. The Great Forest of Daxinganling in 1987 was a sad tragedy in Chinese history. There is no doubt that the report on the fire is also a glorious page in the annals of China’s journalism. This report into
The resonant tunnelling through parabolic quantum well structures under a uniform transverse magnetic field is investigated by a simple numerical method. Numeri
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风如果真的有颜色, 我觉得应该是蓝色的。  那次,我和爸爸一起去天鹅湖划船,刚到湖边,风划过蓝色的湖面,带着一丝凉爽,吹到我的脸上,頓时,我感到浑身上下无比舒服。我闭上眼睛,尽情地享受。我调皮地张开嘴,让风吹进嘴里,兴奋地大喊:“啊,我好像含了一块蓝色的薄荷糖,好清爽!爸爸,这里的风是蓝色的。”  我张开双臂,呼吸新鲜的空气,看着美丽的天鹅湖,湖面碧波荡漾,闪着蓝莹莹的光,像一块蓝色的宝石。天鹅、
In this paper, possible structures of Ga5P5 cluster were optimized by using density functional method with generalized gradient correction (B3LYP). The electron
风是无色的,没有人能看见风,而有一阵叫小微的风曾一度拥有了颜色。  小微是一阵追求时尚的风,当她看见五彩缤纷、活力四射的花花世界时,心想:我为何不能有颜色呢?假如我有了颜色,不就能引人注目了吗?到那时,我绝对能成为万众瞩目的明星!想到这儿,她不禁雀跃起来。  一到家,小微不顾家人的反对,迫不及待地拿起红颜料把自己染了个全身通红。妈妈看了一眼兴奋的小微,冷冷地说:“你可别后悔!”“我才不会后悔呢!”