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日本四国的高知县是全国著名的养鳗县,有200多专业户,年产量5千吨。养鳗生产绝大部分是在塑料大棚内的养鳗池进行。用锅炉给池内水加温,同时不断向池内补充新鲜地下水,称为流水加温法。锅炉加温所使用的燃料是重油,随着石油价格的上涨,加温成本日益提高。为了和台湾进口的廉价鳗鱼(鳝鱼)竞争,降低燃料费己成为急待解决的问题。高知县首先采取的措施是,以焦炭锅炉代替重油锅炉,初步降低了加温费。但是,现行的流水加温法仍有缺陷:由于用锅炉加温后的养鳗池内,水温达25—26℃,当水温仅有18℃的新鲜地下水补充入池后,使养鳗池内水温重新下降。为弥补这种降温,必然增大能源消耗。如果能对地下水加温后再注入池内,不仅可防止池内水温下降,稳定水质,还可达到节约能耗、降低成本的目的。经过对注入水加温方法的研究,于1981年引进了热泵,在一养鳗场搞试点,有池19个,面积4865米~2, Kochi Prefecture of Japan’s Shikoku is a famous eel county in the country with more than 200 specialized households and an annual output of 5,000 tons. The vast majority of eel production is kept in plastic shed eel pool. With the boiler to warm the water pool, while constantly adding fresh groundwater pool, known as water heating method. The fuel used to heat up the boiler is heavy oil, and as the price of oil rises, the cost of heating increases. In order to compete with the cheap eel (eel) imported from Taiwan, reducing fuel costs has become an urgent issue. Kochi County first step is to replace the heavy oil boiler with coke boiler, initially reduced heating costs. However, the current water heating method is still flawed: as a result of heating with a boiler after eel pool, the water temperature of 25-26 ℃, when the water temperature is only 18 ℃ fresh groundwater added to the pool, the eel pool water temperature back decline. To make up for this cooling, energy consumption will inevitably increase. If the groundwater can be heated and then injected into the pool, it can not only prevent the water temperature in the pool from dropping and stabilize the water quality, but also save energy and reduce the cost. After the injection of water heating method, in 1981 introduced a heat pump in a eel farm to engage in pilot, a pool of 19, an area of ​​4865 m ~ 2,
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