
来源 :新疆农垦科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dracula1103
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一、发生情况 六十年代后期,新疆小麦病毒病发展成为主要病害。该病在南北疆各麦区均有程度不同的发生。北疆以塔城、石河子、昌吉、乌鲁木齐等地区发生最重。1967年塔城地区168团场冬麦因病毒为害而颗粒无收的面积17,133亩,减产80%以上的面积37,797亩。1968年再次流行,有5,255亩小麦无收,18981亩小麦严重减产。新湖农场1972年小麦病毒严重率达89.3%,仅在3,000亩小麦上损失粮食近40万斤。 First, the situation The late sixties, Xinjiang wheat virus disease has become the main disease. The disease in the northern and southern Xinjiang all the wheat area have different degrees of occurrence. Beijiang to Tacheng, Shihezi, Changji, Urumqi and other regions of the heaviest. In 1967 Tacheng 168 area field of winter wheat due to virus infertility particle area of ​​17,133 mu, more than 80% production area of ​​37,797 acres. 1968 epidemic again, there are 5,255 acres of wheat crop failure, 18,981 acres of serious decline in wheat. In Xinhu Farm, the serious rate of wheat virus in 1972 was 89.3%, and nearly 400,000 kg of grain was lost on only 3,000 mu of wheat.
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The Arts Center for Han-and-Tang Imperial Music & Dance, a Taiwan-based company promoting Chinese traditional arts, has dedicated itself to the promotion of anc
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糖槭蚧Parthenolecanium corni(Bou-che)又名水木坚蚧、槐介壳虫,属同翅目蚧科.它是一种多食性害虫,为害复叶槭、白腊、白榆、小叶白腊、圆冠榆、洋槐(刺槐)、白柳、桑、大叶
目的 :研究商陆素 -脾细胞条件培养基 (PWM-SCM)对小白鼠骨髓造血祖细胞的作用。方法 :用 micro-ELISA方法测定 PWM-SCM中 IL-2、IL-3、IL-4和 IL-6的含量 ,在 CFU-GM和CFU-E
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