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我们在这里讨论诗歌的困境和应对之策。我们的议题表明,诗歌遇到了麻烦,或许正在丧失其交流的权威性。在我们的大众传媒时代,这是一个常见的议题。1798年,柯勒律治(coleridge)和华兹华斯以一卷《抒情歌谣》(The Lyrical Ballads)创立英国浪漫主义,而在12世纪,IBN SARA以一枚茄子的形状,写出了优美的诗篇《茄子》;在1955年,艾伦·金斯伯格写出了《加利福尼亚超市》。我并不认为,与这些时代相比,今日之诗歌有更大的危机。诗歌会长存下去,我不觉得社会条件和历史动荡会将诗歌削弱。大战爆发,战火平息,诗歌幸存下来,并渐渐获得了新的语汇。叶芝在《宝石》 We are here to discuss the plight of poetry and coping strategies. Our topic shows that poetry is in trouble and may be losing the authority of its communication. This is a common issue in our mass media era. In 1798, coleridge and Wordsworth founded English Romanticism in a volume of The Lyrical Ballads, and in the 12th century IBN SARA wrote beautifully in the shape of an eggplant The poem Eggplant; in 1955, Alan Ginsberg wrote the California Supermarket. I do not think there is a greater crisis in poetry today than in these times. Poetry president survives, I do not think the social conditions and historical turmoil will weaken poetry. War broke out, the war subsided, poetry survived, and gradually gained new vocabulary. Yeats in the “gem”
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
广东人的汤是餐前饭后必备之品,种类繁多,营养丰富.饭前饮.可刺激胃液分泌,增强食欲;饭后 Cantonese soup is an essential meal after meals, a wide range of nutrient-r
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