Anxiolytic property of Lactuca sativa, effect on anxiety behaviour induced by novel food and height

来源 :亚太热带医药杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:try111
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Objective: To study anxiolytic property of hydro alchohol extract and to estimate polyphenols present in the extract by HPLC. Methods: To evaluate anxiolytic property two animal models were used viz. Elevated T maze and hyponeophagia. Diazepam (1 mg/kg body wt.) served as the standard anxiolytic agent for all the tests. The dried extract of the plant leaf in doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight was administered orally to mice for duration of 15 or 30 days and locomotor and anxiolytic activities were performed. Polyphenols was estimated using HPLC.Results:The HPLC analysis of the polyphenols revealed the presence chlorogenic acid, vanillin, epicatechin, caffeic acid, rutin hydrate, sinapic acid, quercetin-3-rhamnoside, p-coumeric acid and quercitin. Time spent and number of entries into the open arm was improved in 30 days treated animals than that of 15 days treated groups, 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight treated group showed significant results when comparing with the control group. Conclusions: The hydro alcohol extract rich in Polyphenols and other secondary metabolites is a potent anxiolytic agent.
Sepsis is one of the major causes and predictors of death in patients with visceral leishmaniasis(VL).Globally,incidence rate of sepsis ranged from 56-91 cases
目的 分析研究256层螺旋CT在诊断椎体骨折中的应用价值.方法 选取在本院接受治疗的120例疑似椎体骨折患者开展此次研究,选取时间范围从2018年01月到2019年04月,采取随机抽取
目的探讨肾嫌色细胞癌(chRCC)的临床特点,提高对其诊治水平。方法回顾性分析江苏省连云港市第二人民医院2012年7月至2019年2月收治的8例chRCC患者的临床资料,其中男3例,女5例,年龄34~ 71(52.1 ± 11.2)岁。肿瘤位于左肾3例,右肾5例。临床表现无症状5例,腰痛3例。肿瘤最大径2.0~ 8.5(5.6 ± 2.2)cm。所有患者均行超声、CT检查。超声检查主要表现为低回声
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目的 探讨应激性后负荷增加后心肌张力和射血时间对QT间期的影响及影响机制.方法 采用药物应激性后负荷升高模型,观察大鼠自然状态及快速放血前后动脉内注射去甲肾上腺素的心