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法治国家意识应成为国家意识的重要组成部分。建立法治国家意识,需了解法的国家属性并理解它的含义。如果仅仅单向度地强调法由国家制定或认可,可能会导致误读国家至上而忽略法本身的功能。任何组织和个人要按照现代国家治理和全面推进依法治国的要求,树立法来自于国家的基本意识、产生于国家的认同意识、等同于国家的整体意识、维护法的权威就是维护国家尊严的核心意识。切勿将主体和工具的关系套用在国家与法的关系上,这样只会歪曲或偏激地理解法的国家属性。在现实中正确树立和增强国家意识,将对国家的热爱转化为对法治国家的热爱,将对国家的捍卫转化为对法治国家的捍卫。在中华民族伟大复兴的征程中,国家兴,法治也兴。 Awareness of the rule of law should become an important part of national consciousness. The establishment of a state awareness of the rule of law needs to understand the national nature of the law and understand its meaning. A mere one-way emphasis on law-making or ratification by the state may lead to the misreading of the supremacy of the country and neglect the function of the law itself. Any organization or individual should follow the requirements of the modern state in governing and pushing for the rule of law in an all-round way. Legislation should be based on the basic awareness of the state, be based on the recognition of the country, be equal to the overall national consciousness, and safeguard the authority of the law as the core of safeguarding the dignity of the country awareness. Do not apply the relationship between the subject and the instrument to the relationship between the state and the law, so as to distort or overly understand the law’s national properties. In reality, we have correctly established and strengthened our national awareness, transformed the country’s love into a love for the country ruled by law, and transformed the defense of our country into a safeguard for a country ruled by law. In the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the prosperity of the country and the rule of law are also flourishing.
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