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早在中国明朝初期,琉球国的历史上就有了两国交流的记录。从17世纪开始到19世纪后半期,有很多艘琉球船漂流到了中国大陆的沿海地区。关于这些琉球船的漂流史料,在中国第一历史档案馆编选的《清代中琉关系档案选编》等档案史料中都有所发现,其中从清朝的乾隆时代开始到光绪时代为止的这段时期,漂流到中国的琉球船特别多。本文从文化交涉的角度对清朝官员与漂流到中国的琉球船乘员的言语接触问题进行研究。 As early as the early Ming Dynasty in China, there was a record of exchanges between the two countries in the history of Ryukyu. From the beginning of the 17th century to the latter half of the 19th century, many Ryukyu ships drifted to the coastal areas of mainland China. The drifting historical materials of these Ryukyu ships were found in the archives such as Selected Works of Archives of Sino-Ryukyu Relations in Qing Dynasty compiled by China’s First Historical Archives. Among them, from the Qianlong era in the Qing Dynasty to the Guangxu period Ryukyu boats drifting to China are particularly large. This article studies the verbal contact between officials of the Qing Dynasty and Ryukyu ship’s members who drifted to China from the angle of cultural negotiation.