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春节前,我觉得我们应该多帮父母做点家务,不能整天浸在电视和电脑里,应该多看看对我们有益的书籍,另外我们还可把自己平时不足的地方利用寒假这段时间补上。就拿我自己来说吧,体育是我的弱项,我打算在寒假加强锻炼,希望下学期在体育学科能取得好成绩。——吴玉波 Before the Spring Festival, I think we should do more for our parents to do housework, not to be immersed in TVs and computers all day long, and we should look at more books that are useful to us. We can also use the time that we normally lack to take advantage of the winter vacation period. on. Take my own example, sports is my weakness, and I plan to strengthen my training during the winter vacation. I hope that the next semester can achieve good results in the sports discipline. - Wu Yubo
时机未到镇派出所民警小王向所长汇报说:“近来,卖淫嫖娼现象在我镇又有所抬头,我们是不是该采取行动了?” 所长含笑答道:“但时机未到。” 数月后,公安部门开展了一场声势
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在大一到大二之间的那个暑假,密歇根的一所大学主办一次中学学生干部夏令营,邀我担任辅导员。对于校园的多数活动,我都持赞同态度并积极参与,那次我同样欣然接受了。 During
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有人说他“卖父求荣”;有人说他“大义灭亲”。无论褒与贬,主人公年轻负疚的心已被痛苦撕咬得支离破碎千疮百痍…… Some people say he “sell father seeking glory ”;
1. Be aware of what you’re thinking about, for it will be your words. Take care to what you’re saying, for it will guide your behavior. Keep an eye on what you’re doing, for it helps to form your habi