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Cutaneous nerve injury is the most common complication following foot and ankle surgery. However, clinical studies including long-term follow-up data after cuta
目的:通过研究慢性阻塞性肺疾病(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,COPD)稳定期患者胸部HRCT表型与中医证型关系、各HRCT表型患者外周血中IL-6、SP-D因子水平,为COPD表
Ferumoxytol, an iron replacement product, is a new type of superparamagnetic iron oxide approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Herein, we assessed the
Previous studies of animal models of chronic mechanical compression of the spinal cord have mainly focused on cervical and thoracic lesions, but few studies hav
2月18日,一架载有7吨重、35000件高等级医用专业防护服的国际航班,跨越1.7万公里,从巴西圣保罗起飞,途经马德里,最终在北京首都国际机场徐徐落地,随后这批医疗物资将第一时间转发武汉。  这批物资是三峡集团直接捐赠湖北抗疫一线的最大一单抗疫物资,由集团驻外机构中国三峡(巴西)有限公司(以下简称“三峡巴西公司”)从当地购置。  “疫情当前,刻不容缓!要尽快把从国外购买的医疗物资运送回国!”从巴西
Following central nervous system injury, axonal sprouts form distal to the injury site and extend into the denervated area, reconstructing neural circuits throu
This study was designed to observe and compare the circadian fluctuations in tactile sense,joint reposition sense and two-point discrimination in healthy subjec
Houshiheisan is composed of wind-dispelling(chrysanthemun flower, divaricate saposhnikovia root, Manchurian wild ginger, cassia twig, Szechwan lovage rhizome, a