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彩色激光打印机是专为需要打印重要的彩色小册子、照片或图片的办公室 设计的。它具有黑白激光打印机“吃苦耐劳”、并且可以灵活升级的特点。同 时也能像喷墨打印机那样输出彩色,不过它的优势在于可以在普通纸上输出图 片,而非昂贵的专用纸。 时下,彩色激光打印机的价格正在以不可思议的速度快速下降,2002年底 和2003年我们还在惊奇于万元彩激的出现,而现在市场的热点已经集中到了 5000元以下的彩激上。从长远来看,彩色激光打印机取代黑白激光打印机已是 不可逆转的趋势,越来越多的公司在采购时将目光投向彩色激光打印机。 不过彩色激光打印机是近两年才被人们所熟悉,很多读者可能对它还非常 陌生,本文将介绍一些有关彩色激光打印机的基本知识并帮助用户在购买中作 出正确的决定。 Color laser printers are designed for offices that need to print important color brochures, photos or pictures. It has a black and white laser printer “hard-working ”, and can be flexibly upgraded features. It can also output color like an inkjet printer, but its advantage is that it can output pictures on plain paper instead of expensive specialty paper. Nowadays, the price of color laser printers is rapidly declining at an incredible speed. By the end of 2002 and 2003, we were still amazed at the emergence of the million color excitement. Now the hot spots in the market have been concentrated on the color excitement below RMB5,000. In the long run, the color laser printer to replace the black and white laser printer is an irreversible trend, more and more companies are sights on the purchase of color laser printers. However, the color laser printer is only two years before people are familiar with, many readers may be very strange to it, this article will introduce some of the basic knowledge of color laser printers and help users make the right purchase decision.
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1.阅读下面这首唐诗,按要求回答问题。水槛遣心二首(其一)杜甫去郭轩楹敞,无村眺望赊。澄江平少岸,幽树晚多花。细雨鱼儿出,微风燕子斜。城中十万户,此地两三家。 1. Read th
在解二次根式问题时,常因概念不清、方法不当、忽视隐含条件而误入“陷阱”,出现这样那样的失误.现就几类常见错误,举例剖析如下. When solving the quadratic root problem
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我们共收到了ACER、KODAK、MICROTEK、MINOLTA、NIKON、POLAROID、SONY七个厂商的9款胶片扫描仪产品,产品规格详见配置表。    配置表参数解读    扫描元件  目前市场上扫描仪所使用的感光器件有三大类:光电倍增管,CCD,接触式感光器件。  光电倍增管是一种电子管,在各种感光器件中性能最好,但生产成本是最高的。扫描速度很慢,一次只能扫描一个像素。现在只用在最专