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7月10日,省教育厅在成都召开了农村职业教育研讨会。就当前农村职业教育的现状,结合西部大开发的形势,紧扣农村经济的发展、农科教结合、农村职教脱离实际等情况进行了研讨。教育部职成司综合处刘宝明处长、省教育厅周国良副厅长出席会议并作了重要讲话。部分市、地、州分管职教的教委主任、职教科(处)长出席了会议。周国良副厅长在讲话中指出:教育部门不能关门办教育,与市场脱节。必须研究市场,针对市场需要,解决培养人才的定位和进一步发展问题,培养 On July 10, the Provincial Department of Education held a seminar on rural vocational education in Chengdu. On the current situation of rural vocational education, with the situation of western development, closely linked to the development of rural economy, agricultural science and education combined with the actual situation of rural vocational education were discussed. Director General Liu Baoming of the Department of General Staff Department of the Ministry of Education attended the meeting and made an important speech. Some cities, prefectures and prefectures in charge of the Education Commission Director, Vocational Education (Branch) attended the meeting. Zhou Guoliang, deputy director of the speech pointed out: Education departments can not close the door to do education, out of touch with the market. We must study the market, address the needs of the market, solve the problem of cultivating qualified personnel and further develop the problem, and cultivate
中图分类号:TP3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2008)1220127-02    一、国际技术市场的现状    国际技术市场的形成与繁荣,始源于市场经济的高度发达和知识产权制度的建立。目前,西方发达国家,是技术商品生产的大国,也是技术商品消费的大国,更是技术商品进出口大国。在这些国家的技术市场中,技术商品转移规模大、起点高、速度快、集成度好,效果和效益也都很可观。目前,国际技
In order to reduce energy consumption and protect the human survival environment,the lightweight has became the development trend of the world automobile indust
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[摘要]对4W2.0型芦苇收割机割刀驱动机构进行受力分析,阐述该机构对整机作业效果所起的决定作用,证明双曲柄滑块机构驱动的双动刀新型切割器的惯性力得到近似的完全平衡。  [关键词]双曲柄滑块 惯性力 芦苇收割机  中图分类号:O369 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7597(2008)1220132-01    一、前言    目前我国农业收获机械切割器的割刀驱动机构主要有:曲柄连杆结构、凸