
来源 :中国制造业信息化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfh8686806
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制造业企业生死存亡 的关键之一在于产品创新。 能否以市场为导向设计制造 出满足用户需求的产品,并 尽快打入市场,提高企业设 计创新能力是企业面临的首 要问题。 在企业实施信息化系 统,特别是ERP等管理系统 的实施,从软件供应商的角 度,应当深入企业为用户服 务。但是,企业过分强调软 件的个性化,过分强调技术 层面,而忽视企业内部管理 层面的改革和流程再造,不 仅造成一些信息化项目失 败,而且,将信息化风险转 嫁给了软件供应商。 国内软件厂商对市场 生存环境的关注表现出一定 程度的忧虑。他们认为部分 企业用户对本土软件厂商认 同不够,特别是国内有一定 规模的大型企业,信息化选 型根本不考虑国内软件,清 一色选用国外软件,国内厂 商呼吁,应当引导企业树立 对民族软件产品的信心。同 时,提升企业对软件价值的 认识,鼓励企业使用正版软 件,在厂商加强自主品牌宣 传力度的基础上,双方共同 营造环境,不断扩大国产软 件市场占有率。 One of the keys to the survival of manufacturing companies lies in product innovation. Can the market-oriented design and manufacture of products to meet user needs, and enter the market as soon as possible to improve the design of innovative business ability is the primary problem facing enterprises. In the implementation of enterprise information systems, especially ERP and other management systems, from the perspective of software vendors, enterprises should be thoroughly in-depth services to users. However, too much emphasis on software personalization, too much emphasis on the technical aspects of the enterprise, while ignoring the internal management reform and process reengineering, not only caused some of the failure of information technology projects, and information technology risks to the software suppliers. Concern about the living environment of the domestic software vendors shows some concern. They think that some business users do not agree enough with local software vendors, especially large-scale enterprises in China. Informational selection does not consider domestic software at all. They choose foreign software all at once and domestic manufacturers are appealing. Enterprises should be guided to set up a national software product confidence. At the same time, enhance corporate awareness of the value of software, encourage enterprises to use genuine software, manufacturers in strengthening their own brand promotion efforts, based on the two sides jointly create an environment and continuously expand the domestic software market share.
1.准备接待美国农业工程师学会(ASAE)1995年初访华 美国农业工程师学会会员50%是大学教授、政府官员、专家,50%是工业家和制造商。1993年提出组团访华,请农业工程学会安排接待
S124.1:S313 0502小剂量电离辐射的刺激效应/李国全(吉林农业大学生物物理教研室),高继明//吉林农业大学学报/吉林农业大学.-1992,14(1).-79~83 S124.1: Stimulation Effect
在马克思列宁主义诞生之前,没有一种理论可以称之为科学的民族理论;在中国共产党诞生之前没有一个政党能够成功的解决民族问题。 中国共产党处理民族问题走过了八十年的曲折历