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煤、石油、天然气是当今世界各国的主要矿物能源。然而,据专家估计,再有40余年,人类就要面临这些矿物能源枯竭的局面。于是,一种被称为“可燃冰”的可持续发展绿色能源——天然气水合物的开发和利用,开始纳入众多国家的视线。专家们认为,在地球上矿物能源日益短缺的今天,天然气水合物将为人类提供替代性新能源带来新的希望。最近,中国工程院刘广志院士撰文指出,目前,国际上对天然气水合物的科研范畴大致分为两大领域:一个领域是以地质学、物理、化学为基础的科学研究;另_领域是对海上大量已知天然气水合物矿藏的钻探、开采、集输、安全技术等方面的研究。其中,后者比前者难度高、投资大。刘广志院士认为,开发天然气水合物,钻探设备工艺是关键。 Coal, oil and natural gas are the major mineral energy sources in various countries of the world today. However, experts estimate that for more than 40 years, mankind has to face the depletion of these mineral resources. As a result, the development and utilization of a natural gas hydrate, a sustainable green energy called “combustible ice”, began to be included in the eyes of many countries. Experts believe that today’s gas hydrates will bring new hope to mankind to provide alternative new energy sources. Recently, an article written by academician Liu Guangzhi of the Chinese Academy of Engineering pointed out that at present, the scientific research scope of natural gas hydrates is broadly divided into two major areas: one is based on scientific research based on geology, physics and chemistry; the other is on the sea Known gas hydrate deposits drilling, mining, gathering and transportation, safety technology and other aspects of the study. Among them, the latter is more difficult and investment than the former. Academician Liu Guangzhi believes that the development of natural gas hydrate, drilling equipment technology is the key.
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蓄水后的三峡旅游面临新的利益格局重组。如何破解新出现的区县间、产业链条间过度竞争难题,有待各方加快改革创新,重新整合利益关系。 After the impoundment of the Three
河南省理化检验分会于9月15日~24日在开封举办了高速分析学习班.来自12个省市自治区的71名学员参加了学习. 周宗祥副所长在学习班作了“简论高速分析”的专题报告。邀请戚墅