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2004年取得的成绩刚刚过去的2004年,是我院各项工作取得新成绩,迈出新步伐的一年。一年来,全体中层干部,在院党委的正确领导下,认真学习贯彻党的十六大和十六届四中全会精神,努力践行邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,全面落实科学发展观,加强党的执政能力建设,深入开展“树正气、讲团结、求发展”和“讲学习、强素质、创一流、添光彩”活动。围绕院党委年初提出的两项中心工作(南水北调工程和改企建制)以及“五项目标、六个新思路、七项新突破、八项新措施”的要求,锐意进取,勤奋工作,经过不懈努力和奋力拼搏,在物质文明上取得了显著的成绩,2004年全院共承担生产任务132项,总产值达到1.5亿元,人均22万元,已进入全国强院的行列,总收入9283万元(人均13.6万元),比2003年总收入增长28%,超2004年收入目标23.8%,超过了力争目标(既定目标为:收入7500万元,力争9000万元),实现了盈余目标。职工收入比2003年平均增长30%,各项经济指标创历史最高水平。同时也取得了政治文明、精神文明建设的新成绩,先后获得了省文明单位、目标管理优胜单位、南水北调工程规划设计先进集体、全国水利经济研究工作先进集体、年度决算和报表评比优胜单位,“水利经营及收费情况报表”编报工作先进单位,天津市交通安全先进集体、河 The year 2004 that the achievements in 2004 was just over is a year of new accomplishments and new steps taken in various tasks in our hospital. In the past year, all middle-level cadres, under the correct leadership of the party committee and government, earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, worked hard to practice Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of Three Represents and fully implemented the scientific concept of development , Strengthen the building of the party’s ability to govern, and thoroughly carry out the activities of “building a tree of integrity, stressing unity and seeking development” and “emphasizing learning, strong qualities, excellence in the first grade, and enriching the glory”. Focusing on the requirements of the two central tasks (South-North Water Diversion Project and the reform of the enterprise system) proposed by the hospital party committee at the beginning of the year, and the requirements of “five goals, six new ideas, seven new breakthroughs and eight new measures,” we are determined to make progress, work hard and make unremitting efforts Efforts and hard work have achieved remarkable results in material civilization. In 2004, the hospital totally undertook 132 production tasks with a total output value of 150 million yuan and a per capita income of 220,000 yuan. It has entered the ranks of the country’s strong courts with a total revenue of 92.83 million yuan Yuan (per capita 136,000 yuan), more than 28% of total revenue in 2003, exceeding the revenue target of 23.8% in 2004, exceeding the goal (the target is: income 75 million yuan, strive 90 million yuan), to achieve the earnings target. The average income of workers increased by 30% over 2003, and all economic indicators hit the highest level in history. At the same time, it also achieved new achievements in the construction of political civilization and spiritual civilization. It has successively won the titles of provincial civilized units, winning units of target management, advanced collectives of south-to-north water diversion project planning, advanced collective of national water conservancy economic research, Water Management and Fees Report "advanced unit of compilation, advanced group of Tianjin traffic safety, river
一老一小两个相依为命的瞎子,每日里靠弹琴卖艺维持生活。一天,老瞎子终于支撑不住,病倒了。他自知不久将离开人世,便把小瞎子叫到床头,紧紧拉着小瞎 An old and a small, t
超大型城市(市区非农人口数在200万以上) ~r‘口7J二‘.卜竺月目尸JJ/、多口、.1二JJ弓弓‘二J沪谷七,矛之‘J二3丈目只J IJf,侧户行万J王毛司‘卜. 特大型城市(市区非农人口