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吃、穿、住、行永远是生活中的第一话题,就像我们对温饱的需求一样,有个舒适、中意的住所同样是每个人的迫切愿望。然而几十年来,作为生活必需品的住房,其价值一直没有被明确地量化,在特定的历史条件下,人们已经把分房视为天经地义,房屋被作为以实物发放的工资福利无一遗漏地分摊到每一个有单位的城市居民头上。于是,如此得来全不费功夫的房屋的价值,已被人们在不知不觉中忽略了。自从取消福利分房后,房子的份量在人们生活中忽然清晰起来,作为一种价值重大的商品,消费者必须为此付费。当这天大的“便宜”在转眼间凭空消失之时,大家才不得不把房屋当作真正的商品来对待。房子,这个原本唾手可得的东西在市场上身价飞涨,短时间内便完成了它“麻雀变凤凰”的历程。 Eating, wearing, living and walking are always the first topics in life. Just as our demand for adequate food and clothing, having a comfortable and desirable place of dwelling is equally an urgent aspiration of everyone. However, for decades, the value of housing as a necessities of life has not been clearly quantified. In specific historical conditions, people have treated their houses as justified and their houses are apportioned as wages and benefits in kind To every urban resident who has a unit. Thus, the value of a house that has been so devoid of effort has been unwittingly ignored. Since the removal of welfare housing distribution, the weight of the house in people’s lives suddenly clear up, as a valuable commodity, consumers must pay for it. When this big “bargain” vanished out of thin air in an instant, everyone had to treat the house as a genuine commodity. House, the original readily available in the market worth soaring, it will be completed within a short time, “The Sparrows Phoenix” course.
近年来,西瓜生产迅速发展,为使广大西瓜种植户能获得较好的经济效益,结合多年科研和生产的工作实践,总结了西瓜丰产栽培技术,供广大西瓜种植户参考。一选地、选茬、整地 1.
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