
来源 :河南水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuww
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受副高、低槽和切变线的共同影响,今年6月29日至7月21日,河南省黄河以南地区普降大到暴雨,局部特大暴雨。致使鲇鱼山、泼河、五岳、石山口、宿鸭湖、薄山、石漫滩、白龟山等8座大型水库先后超过汛限水位,特别是鲇鱼山水库超过了历史最高水位;洪汝河、淮河干流以及淮南山区各支流均发生了多次较大洪水,史灌河出现了1969年以来的最大洪水,王家坝分洪闸两次开启向蒙洼滞洪区分洪。暴雨洪水发生后,我省各级党委、政府高度重视,省委、省政府主要领导多次批示,要求防汛部门要科学调度洪水,确保人民生命安全,确保主要防洪 Affected by the subtropical high, low trough and shear line, from June 29 to July 21 this year, areas south of the Yellow River in Henan Province plunged into heavy rain and some heavy rainstorms. As a result, eight large reservoirs such as Mount Huangyu, Pohe, Wuyue, Shishankou, Suyahu, Bo Shan, Shimanan and Baiguishan successively surpassed the flood control water level, in particular, the Pieduoshan reservoir exceeded the highest water level in history; Hongru River, the Huaihe River and the tributaries of the Huainan Mountains suffered major floods. The largest flood occurred in Shigu River since 1969, and the flood dam of Wangjiaba Dam opened flood diversion floodwater in Mengwa two times. After the storm and flood, the Party committees and governments at all levels in our province attached great importance to it. The main leaders of the provincial party committee and the provincial government repeatedly gave instructions that the flood control department should schedule floods scientifically to ensure people’s life safety and ensure the main flood control
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一七月十四日黎明。從××部隊長處得到消滅公州前面敵人砲兵陣地命令的姜泰運代理中隊長,他那赤銅色的面孔上,顯得格外發光,帶着愉快的心情,匆匆地走出部隊指揮所。 “要想