
来源 :气象科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhui130
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PORTRAIT OF A STORMAs the plane lumbers toward the storm,the crew charts the winds,then makes approachesto the storm’s eye from all four points of the compass to obtain a portrait of the hurricane.It may take over an hour to pass through the storm,during which time the plane is buckedabout furiously by the wind;then it turns around and goes through again.For nine hours,Galvani and his crew were in the storm.“Every flight is different,”says a veteran of many.“You have to punch through the wall of clouds to get to the eye.The hail can get so bad youcan’t hear the engines.The rain can be like a wall of water.You get thrown around a lot. PORTRAIT OF A STORMAs the plane lumbers toward the storm, the crew charts the winds, then makes makes approachesto the storm’s eye from all four points of the compass to obtain a portrait of the hurricane. It may take over an hour to pass through the storm, during which time the plane is buckedabout furiously by the wind; then it turns around and goes through again ;. for nine hours, Galvani and his crew were in the storm. "You have to punch through the wall of clouds to get to the eye. hail can get so bad youcan’t hear the engines. rain can be like a wall of water .You get thrown around a lot.
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