On Charlotte Perkins Gilman's My Poor Aunt from the Perspective of Feminism

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Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a utopian feminist during a time when her accomplishments were very rare and exceptional for women. The thesis intends to analyze some feminist ideas from the perspective of feminism, together with the study of historical background of the novel. By comparing different reactions of three female protagonists in My Poor Aunt when they suffer the repression of dominant patriarchal family and the constraint of their own talent, which also reveals that protagonists’ fates in Gilman’s works coincide with the growth of her feminist ideas. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a utopian feminist during a time when her accomplishments were very rare and exceptional for women. The thesis intends to analyze some feminist ideas from the perspective of feminism, together with the study of historical background of the novel. of three female protagonists in My Poor Aunt when they suffer the repression of dominant patriarchal family and the constraint of their own talent, which also reveals that protagonists’ fates in Gilman’s works coincide with the growth of her feminist ideas.
【摘要】本文对英语翻译中跨文化视角转换的必要性以及关键点进行说明,以英语翻译的实例讨论跨文化视角下翻译转换的技巧并对这些技巧的应用进行评价,总结技巧应用过程中需要注意的问题。  【关键词】英语翻译 跨文化视角 翻译技巧  引言  英语翻译是将英文文章、文献或者资料翻译成中文的过程,英语翻译不仅是英语学习者必须要学习的内容,也是从事与英语相关工作的工作人员必须掌握的职业技能。英语翻译的要点和技巧比较
【摘要】随着国际化的不断发展,国民越来越关注国外的新闻,因此新闻英语汉译成为了趋势,但是在翻译的过程中,译者经常会遇见一些特殊词汇或者具有较强地域特色的词汇,如果这些特殊词汇平常的翻译手段翻译,将不能正在的将原意翻译出来,从而掩盖文章真实的内容。本文主要简单的介绍了归化法和异化法的基础内容,并具体讲解了如何将这两种翻译法则运用到英文新闻翻译中。  【关键词】新闻翻译 归化 异化  一、新闻英语汉译
【摘要】翻译与文化有着血肉的联系,对一篇文字的理解不仅仅是一个语言解码问题,更是对一种文化的解读。本文以杨必所译萨科雷的《名利场》为例,主要讨论了三种文化因素在翻译过程中的影响,并提出了要学会从文化内涵来分析理解作品,了解英汉文化的差异,这样才能译出有灵气的作品,从而真正掌握交际工具—语言。  【关键词】文化 思维模式 典故 社会习俗  翻译被称为一种跨文化交际,其涉及到的不仅是文字上的转换,还有