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政治理论宣传员、思想教育信息员和企业新闻报道员是在国有大中型企业中具有同一使命、职责分工不同的思想政治宣传队伍,我们习惯称之为企业政工“三大员”。“三大员”所肩负的共同使命是:认真宣传贯彻党和国家的思想路线、方针、政策,自觉学习、宣传贯彻党的思想理论和国家的法律。同时作为企业党政的喉舌,积极宣传贯彻企业党政的中心工作和企业发展战略、目标,了解和掌握职工的思想动态,正确反映职工群众的心声,从提高职工思想道德素质和培养“四有”职工队伍的高度出发,充分调动和激发职工主人翁精神和为全面建设小康社会目标奉献的信念。 改革开放以来,随着企业调整转型改革发展战略重心的转移,企业宣传思想工作的方式方法还没能够跟上时代发展的步伐,在观 Political theory advocates, ideological education informants and corporate news reporters are ideological and political propaganda teams with the same mission and different responsibilities in the state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises. We used to call them the “three big members” of the corporate political work. The common mission entrusted to them by the “three big members” is to conscientiously propagandize and implement the ideological lines, principles and policies of the party and state, learn conscientiously, and propagandize and implement the party’s ideological and ideological theories and state laws. At the same time, as the mouthpiece of the party and government in enterprises, the center actively promotes and carries out the central work and enterprise development strategies and goals of the party and government in the enterprise, understands and masters the ideological trends of the staff and workers, correctly reflects the voices of the masses of workers and staff members, improves their ideological and moral qualities and fosters “four ”The starting point of the workforce is to fully mobilize and inspire the mastership of employees and the conviction for the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Since the reform and opening up, with the transfer of strategic center of gravity in restructuring, restructuring and transformation of enterprises, the ways and means of propaganda and ideological work in enterprises have not been able to keep up with the pace of development of the times.
【摘 要】在新兴通信技术的不断推动之下,3G即将成为通信技术的主流。但是随着无线上网和网络游戏等用户需求不断的增加,对移动通信系统的速率要求也越来越高。逐渐地人们之间沟通的瓶颈将由现在的网络传输速率变为各种新的应用的提供。在对通信技术的要求不增加的基础上,无线通信技术最终将迈向4G通信技术时代。本文主要简单介绍4G移动通信系统所采用的各种技术以及4G移动通信的优缺点。  【关键词】4G移动通信 O
“班长,明天俺要回农村老家办流动人口婚育证明,向你请一天假。”“好嘞!准你假。” “班长,明天中午我家有事儿,想提前一会儿上井,请你给我少分配些活。”“没问题。” “你
目的 研究吲哚美辛对人结肠癌细胞系HCT116成瘤裸鼠蛋白质表达谱的影响,寻找吲哚美辛抗结肠癌作用的相关蛋白.方法应用同相pH梯度双向凝胶电泳技术分离吲哚美辛处理组和未处理组HCT116成瘤裸鼠瘤组织的总蛋白,胶体考马斯亮蓝染色,图像扫描获取凝胶电泳图谱后,分析比较两组间差异表达的蛋白质,基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱测得经胶内胰酶酶解的差异蛋白点的肽质指纹图谱,用Mascot软件查询数据库.结
当今信息技术不断的发展,全球信息化已经成为不可阻挡的趋势。随着用户的业务需求提高,以传统的ADSL或LAN接入的传统模式,已无法各种新型业务对高带宽的需求,如下图所示,包括多路超清、高清的IPTV视频业务对带宽的需求分别为超清IPTV(8M-12M) 、高清IPTV(2M),以及千兆以太网接入的需求,包括高端家庭用户和集团用户(1000M),在未来的4G LTE的网络中4G基站的接入对带宽的需求至