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目的观察Graves’病甲亢患者血清TC、Tg、HDL-C、LDL-C、ApoAI、ApoB100和Lp(a)变化并探讨其可能机制。方法采用配对方法比较Caaves’病甲克患者组(甲亢组)和正常对照(正常组)血清TC、Tg、LDL-C、HDL-C、ApoAI、ApoB100和Lp(a)差异。结果甲亢组较正常组血清TC明显降低,有高度显著性差异,p< 0.01;甲亢组较正常血清 Tg、LDL- C、HDL- C、ApoAI、ApoB100降低,均有高度显著性差异,p<0.01;甲亢组较正常血清Lp(a)降低,但无显著性差异,p<0.01。结论(1)Grawes’病甲亢病人血清TC、Tg、HDL-C、LDL-C、ApoA、ApoB100均降低,以TC更明显;(2)尽管甲亢病人血清HDL-C、ApoA1水平降低,但与动脉粥样硬化相关的TC、Tg、LDL-C、ApoAI、ApoB100也同步降低。因此,我们是否可以推测对于肥胖伴高脂血症,尤其是T4偏低的病人是否可使用T4减肥同时降低高脂血症;(3)甲亢病人血清Lp(a)虽有轻度降低,但进一研究甲亢病人的Lp(a)变化及其机理是必要的。 Objective To observe the changes of serum TC, Tg, HDL-C, LDL-C, ApoAI, ApoB100 and Lp (a) in Graves’ patients with hyperthyroidism and to explore its possible mechanism. Methods The paired methods were used to compare the differences of serum TC, Tg, LDL-C, HDL-C, ApoAI, ApoB100 and Lp (a) between caesarean section patients and normal controls (normal group). Results Serum TC of hyperthyroidism group was significantly lower than that of the normal group (p <0.01). There was a highly significant difference between the hyperthyroidism group and the normal serum Tg, LDL-C, HDL-C, ApoAI and ApoB100, p <0.01; hyperthyroidism group than the normal serum Lp (a) decreased, but no significant difference, p <0.01. Conclusions (1) The levels of TC, Tg, HDL-C, LDL-C, ApoA and ApoB100 in patients with Graves ’disease are significantly lower than those in patients with Graves’ disease. (2) Although the serum levels of HDL-C and ApoA1 are decreased in patients with hyperthyroidism, Atherosclerosis-related TC, Tg, LDL-C, ApoAI, ApoB100 decreased simultaneously. Therefore, we can speculate whether obesity with hyperlipidemia, especially in patients with low T4 can use T4 to lose weight while reducing hyperlipidemia; (3) patients with hyperthyroidism serum Lp (a) although slightly reduced, It is necessary to study the changes of Lp (a) and its mechanism in patients with hyperthyroidism.
病例介绍rn  患者陆××,男性,60岁,因患右中央性肺癌住院放疗科行放射治疗。一个月后,出现腰痛,面部浮肿,咳嗽,呼吸困难,不能平卧。于1993年10月23日住院本科,检查T37.3℃、P84次/
1 临床资料 rn患者,男,53岁,因“全身麻木、心悸1h"于2004 年10月30日入院.患者因风湿性关节炎疼痛于1h前服用了自配的雪上一支蒿药酒后出现全身麻木、心悸,伴呼吸急促、全身
病史摘要rn  男,4岁,呕吐三天,神志不清七小时,于1999年3月14日入院。患儿发病前一 周食不洁海 鲜品,三天前出现呕吐,非喷射性,为胃内容物,伴中上腹不适。曾在外院就诊,拟“胃炎 ”,
由教育部主管,四川大学华西口腔医学院主办的口腔医学英文期刊International Journal of Oral Science经过网络投票和专家遴选,荣获2016“中国最美期刊”殊荣.本次评选活动由
为预防肺结核合并糖尿病人发生褥疮,我们通过对一组病人经BOK.Y.lee评分表打分[1 ],加强对老年肺结核合并糖尿病的皮肤护理,取得满意效果。rn  1 资料和方法rn  1.1 一般资