
来源 :中华预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hncry
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本文总结了新冠肺炎疫情期间健康防护和消毒相关舆情的发展趋势及特点,从舆情角度探讨了疫情防控中健康防护和消毒工作取得的经验与不足,并提出下一步的工作建议:加强重点场所和单位的健康防护和消毒工作;开展健康防护和消毒效果评价及病毒在环境中的传播机制研究;建立专业的健康防护和消毒应急科普机制和信息发布渠道;加快疫情相关健康防护和消毒标准的制修订。“,”This paper summarizes the development trend and characteristics of public opinion on health protection and disinfection strategies in the COVID-19 epidemic. The experience and deficiency of the strategies are discussed from the perspective of public opinion, and suggestions on how health protection and disinfection can help prevent and control infectious diseases are also put forward: to strengthen health protection and disinfection in key places and units; to evaluate health protection and disinfection effects as well as the transmission mechanism of virus in the environment; to establish a professional health protection and disinfection emergency science popularization mechanism and information release channel; to speed up the formulation and revision of health protection and disinfection standards related to the epidemic.
身高:167cm体重:44Kg血型:B型星座:巨蟹座电影:候孝贤《海上花》电视电影《LOVE AND THE CITY》电视剧《丑女大翻身》、《麻辣鲜师》、《我只在乎你》、《圣棱的星光》MV作品
宫内节育器,将其放置于育龄妇女的宫腔内,通过机械性刺激及化学物质的干扰而达到避孕的目的,不抑制排卵,不影响女性内分泌系统,因而避免了一般药物避孕的不良反应。 IUD, pl