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太阳能是大自然赐于人类的取之不尽、用之不竭的财富。太阳每秒钟给予地球的能量相当于全世界能耗量的几万倍。但由于各种原因,太阳能的利用一直处于相对较低的水平。煤碳、石油仍是能源的主体。然而,我们也非常清楚,对煤碳、石油的疯狂消耗,不仅危害我们的后人,也正在危害我们自己。因此,太阳能、风能等新能源的开发利用受到全世界各国的广泛关注,并投以巨资进行此类产品的研制与开发。据报道,美国能源部已从2000年10月起介入房地产市场,计划在今后20年修建的写字楼和家庭住宅中用太阳能设备取代部分电能空调或燃油取暖设备。太阳能设备的占有量将达到新建建筑所有能源设备的50%以上。英国推出的环保屋则是靠太阳能发电,而靠风力转动的特别风扇可在夏季帮助室内通风,冬季自动加热供暖。如果地球上每个人都以消耗不可再生的能源——煤碳、石油为代价去享受高品质生活,则需要三个地球来维生。正因为,我们没有三个可以维系生命的地球,所以英国推出了这种冬暖夏凉的环保屋,它以保证英国人所需的高品质生活为前提,节省能源消耗三分之二以上。 本刊开设“新能源与建筑”的目的在于架起一座连接太阳能、风能等新能源与建筑的桥梁,使得在创造高品质生活的同时,也创造健康的生活空间。 本栏目将向读者介绍国内? Solar energy is the inexhaustible wealth that nature gives to mankind. The sun gives the Earth energy equivalent to tens of thousands of times the world’s energy consumption per second. However, due to various reasons, the utilization of solar energy has been at a relatively low level. Coal, oil is still the main body of energy. However, we also know very well that the crazy consumption of coal and oil not only endangers our own descendants but also harms ourselves. Therefore, the development and utilization of new energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy are drawing much attention from countries all over the world and have invested heavily in the research and development of such products. According to reports, the U.S. Department of Energy has been involved in the real estate market since October 2000 and plans to replace part of its electric air-conditioners or oil-fired heating equipment with solar-powered equipment in office buildings and family homes constructed over the next 20 years. Solar equipment will occupy more than 50% of all energy equipment in new construction. Greenhouses in the United Kingdom are powered by solar power, and wind-powered special fans help to ventilate the interior in the summer and heat it in winter. If everybody on earth can enjoy a high quality of life at the expense of non-renewable energy sources such as coal and oil, they need three planets to survive. Because of the fact that we do not have three planets that can sustain our lives, the United Kingdom introduced this warm and cool summer house that saves more than two-thirds of its energy on the premise of ensuring the quality of British life it requires. The publication of “New Energy and Architecture” aims to build a bridge connecting new energy sources and buildings such as solar energy and wind energy so as to create a healthy living space while creating a high-quality life. This column will introduce readers to domestic?
题1 图1所示梁的支座下降△_B=3cm,△_C=2cm,已知各杆EI=17500kN·m~2,求作弯矩图。 Title 1 Figure 1 shows the support beam down △ _B = 3cm, △ _C = 2cm, each rod
本文简要介绍一幢原型框架结构动力特性的试验方案、主要测试结果、动力特性的计算方法以及计算结果与实测结果的比较。 试验结构是一幢五开间、二跨、三层装配式钢筋混凝土