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环境离不开色彩、形体、材质、光影等要素。其中色彩的定位在室内环境空间中起着重要作用。它不同于一般色彩造型,其既有审美作用,还有表现和调节室内空间与气氛的作用,还能通过人们的感知印象产生相应的心理影响和生理影响。室内色彩运用的是否恰当,还能左右人们的情绪,并在一定程度上影响人们的行为活动。色彩是一种情感语言,室内设计中,色彩几乎可被称作是其“灵魂”。色彩的物理、生理及心理效应色彩是设计中最具表现力和感染力的因素,它通过人们的视觉感受产生一系列的生理、心理和类似物理的效应,形成丰富的联想、深刻的寓意和象征。在室内环境中色彩应主要应满足其功能和精神要求,目的在于使人们感到舒适。1.色彩的物理效应色彩对人引起的视觉效果反应在物理性质方面,如冷暖、远近、 Environment can not be separated from the color, shape, material, light and other elements. One of the color positioning in the indoor environment plays an important role. It is different from the general color modeling, which not only has the aesthetic effect, but also has the function of expressing and regulating the interior space and the atmosphere. It can also produce the corresponding psychological and physiological effects through people’s perception impression. The proper use of indoor color, but also about the people’s emotions, and to a certain extent affect people’s activities. Color is an emotional language, interior design, the color can be almost called its “soul ”. Color physical, physiological and psychological effects Color is the most expressive and contagious factor in the design. It produces a series of physiological, psychological and similar physical effects through the visual perception of people, forming a rich association, profound implication and Symbol. In indoor environments, colors should mainly meet their functional and spiritual requirements, with the goal of making people feel comfortable. 1. The physical effects of color The color of the human reaction caused by visual effects In physical properties, such as well-being, distance,
不知从何时起,车辆超载成为一种“顽症”,其中大货车尤甚。“拉沙石、砖瓦、煤的大货车,没有不超载的。”一位交警气愤而又无奈地这样说。留心一下,此言果然不假。 车辆超载对公
X-ray computer tomography(CT)has been intensively applied to the research of cement-based materials,while most of the CT applications are qualitative.To have mo
永安守御千户所城    明初,倭寇猖獗,不断侵扰我国沿海地区,百姓深受其害。洪武二十七年(1394年),中央朝廷诏命沿海备倭,在全国沿海海防要塞设置卫所,筑城镇守,防倭寇侵袭,保境安民。明崇祯十年(1637年)《廉州府志·备倭》载:“皇明洪武二十七年七月,始命安陆侯吴杰、永定张金宝等率致仕武官往广东训练沿海卫所以备倭,是时方有备倭之名,天下镇守凡二十一处”。其中的永安守御千户所是我国最南端的明代海