
来源 :上海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gudujian13
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为深入贯彻中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《关于坚决反对和制止在统计上弄虚作假的通知》精神,使企事业单位的领导干部和统计负责人认识到在统计上弄虚作假是一个严重的政治问题,是一种危害性极大的腐败行为.遵照市委、市政府提出的“今年内要对领导干部和有关人员进行一次统计方面的法制教育,增强有关人员特别是领导干部严格执行统计法律、法规的意识,提高依法办事的自觉性”的精神,今年以来,市和区县两级统计局和业务主管部门分期分批对全市处以上干部、企事业单位的法人代表和统计负责人开展统计法制教育.截止到 In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Circular of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Resolutely Opposing and Suppressing the Falsification of Statistics, the leading cadres and chief statisticians of enterprises and public institutions have realized that it is a serious political issue to make statistical fraud. Is a kind of pernicious acts of corruption.According to the municipal party committee and municipal government put forward “this year to leading cadres and relevant personnel to conduct a statistical legal education, strengthen relevant personnel, especially leading cadres to strictly enforce statistical laws and regulations Consciousness and Consciousness of Improving Legal Affairs According to Law ”. Since the beginning of this year, statistical bureaux and departments in charge of municipal, district and county levels have carried out statutory and legal education on the legal representatives and chief statistical officers of cadres, enterprises and public institutions above the city by stages and in batches. .till
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几年前,正是社会上“钢琴热” 的时候,很多家长都为孩子买了钢琴,并对孩子严苛有加,希望能培养出一个钢琴大师。一次,我到一个素以开明著称的老教授家去串门,却见到他的小孙
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