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12月2日,由中大恒基房地产经纪有限公司、共青团市委、北京青少年发展基金会、北京市学生联合会共同主办的“红色爱心温暖”公益助学捐赠活动在京举行。共青团市委、北京市房地产中介行业协会、北京青少年发展基金会、北京市学生联合会的相关领导出席了活动并致辞。会上,“中大恒基”将“百分百诚信行动”中所筹款项15万元,捐助给了北京航空航天大学、北京师范大学、中国政法大学三所高校的60名在校贫困大学生。 On December 2, donation activity of “red love warmth” charity sponsored by China Evergrande Real Estate Brokerage Co., Ltd., Communist Youth League Committee, Beijing Youth Development Foundation and Beijing Federation of Students was held in Beijing. The leaders of the Communist Youth League, Beijing Real Estate Agency Industry Association, Beijing Youth Development Foundation and Beijing Students Federation attended the event and delivered speeches. At the meeting, 60,000 students from three universities including Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Normal University and China University of Political Science and Law were donated 150,000 yuan from “Zhongda University” and “100% Honest and Faithful Actions” Impoverished college students.
在投资评级下调的25只股票中,建筑工程行业有4家公司入围而名列榜首,我们来分析一下其原因。行业景气高位盘整,上市公司增长放缓。2011年1季度行业营收 Of the 25 stocks do