Carbon isotopic characteristics and their genetic relationships for individual lipids in plants and

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tommy0229
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The carbon isotopes of individual lipids in herbaceous plants and tree leaves in Ruoergai marsh were measured by the GC-IRMS analytical technique in order to understand the inherent relationships of carbon isotopes between sedimentary and plant lipids from typical marsh environment. The analytical results show that the carbon isotopic compositions of n-alkanes in different kinds of plants differ significantly. Mean δ 13C values of n-alkanes in her-baceous plants (?32.2‰―?36.9‰) are 3.3‰ lower than those in woody plant (?27.2‰― ?35.0‰). The carbon isotopic compositions of fatty acids in organisms (?30.3‰― ?36.2‰) are very similar to those of n-alkanes and the δ 13C values for unsaturated fatty acids are within the range of those for saturated fatty acids. The differences in δ 13C values between plant lipids are obvious and range from 2.4‰ to 7.8‰. It is observed that the carbon isotopic compositions of sedimentary lipids are closely related to those of plant lipids. The carbon isotopic compositions (?27.0‰―?36.9‰) of n-alkanes, ≥C16 fatty acids, n-alkanols, sterols and n-alkanones in the sediments are similar to those of plant lipids and the carbon isotopic compositions of short-chain sedimentary lipids are similar to those of long-chain sedimentary homologues. These indicate that the sedimentary lipids are derived from high plants. However, the δ 13C values of C14:0 and C15:0 fatty acids in the sediments are lighter than those of the same carbon number saturated homologues in plants, reflecting the genetic features partially derived from bacteria. These data provide scientific evidence for carbon isotope-applied research of individual lipids. The carbon isotopes of individual lipids in herbaceous plants and tree leaves in Ruoergai marsh were measured by the GC-IRMS analytical technique in order to understand the inherent relationships of carbon isotopes between sedimentary and plant lipids from typical marsh environment. The analytical results show that the Mean δ 13C values ​​of n-alkanes in her-baceous plants (? 32.2 ‰ -? 36.9 ‰) are 3.3 ‰ lower than those in woody plant (? 27.2 ‰ -? 35.0 ‰). The carbon isotopic compositions of fatty acids in organisms (? 30.3 ‰ -? 36.2 ‰) are very similar to those of n-alkanes and the δ 13C values ​​for unsaturated fatty acids are within the range of those for saturated The differences in δ 13C values ​​between plant lipids are obvious and range from 2.4 ‰ to 7.8 ‰. It is observed that the carbon isotopic compositions of sedimentary lipids are closely related to those of plant l The carbon isotopic compositions (? 27.0 ‰ -? 36.9 ‰) of n-alkanes, ≧ C16 fatty acids, n-alkanols, sterols and n-alkanones in the sediments are similar to those of plant lipids and the carbon isotopic compositions of These indicate that the sedimentary lipids are derived from high plants. However, the δ 13C values ​​of C14: 0 and C15: 0 fatty acids in the sediments are lighter than those of the same carbon number saturated homologues in plants, reflecting the genetic features partially derived from bacteria. These data provide scientific evidence for carbon isotope-applied research of individual lipids.
1 滑坡的成因1.1 自然因素。它包括内在的地貌形态、地层岩性、地质年代、地质构造、地应力、地下水和外界的降水、地震、水流冲刷、风蚀等。1.2 人为因素。①增加工程作用
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