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目的:探讨自体肾移植后淋巴因素对移植肾的影响,为肾移植术是否需要吻合淋巴管提供参考。方法:实验动物为8只成年家犬,开腹,游离并切断左侧肾蒂,置于左髂窝,将肾动脉与左髂内动脉吻合,肾静脉与左髂总静脉吻合,但不吻合淋巴管,右肾作为对照,分别在术后第8、12、21天处死动物,用肉眼,光镜和透射电镜观察移植肾的变化。结果:肉眼观,左右肾的大小,颜色,质地无差别,但移植肾与周围组织广泛粘连;光镜:健侧肾皮质肾小管上皮细胞有水样变性,髓质内偶见少量的蛋白和细胞管型。患侧肾除见到与健侧类似的变化外,皮质内偶见脂肪变性,少数肾小球萎缩,部分肾小球代偿性肥大和集合管间质轻度纤维化;电镜:两侧肾小球无明显异常,实验侧近曲小管上皮细胞肿胀,微绒毛排列紊乱,胞浆内空泡增多,线粒体模糊,溶酶体增多,远曲小管和集合管部分上皮细胞坏死。结论:肾移植时可暂不考虑吻合淋巴管 Objective: To investigate the effect of lymphatic factor on renal graft after autologous renal transplantation, and to provide reference for the need of anastomosis of lymphatic vessel in renal transplantation. Methods: The experimental animals were 8 adult dogs. The left renal pedicle was excised and cut off. The left renal pedicle was placed in the left iliac fossa. The renal artery was anastomosed with the left internal iliac artery. The renal vein was anastomosed with the left common iliac vein, Lymphatic vessels and right kidney were used as controls. Animals were sacrificed on the 8th, 12th and 21st day after operation. The changes of the graft kidney were observed with naked eye, light microscope and transmission electron microscope. Results: The naked eye, the size of the left and right kidneys, color, texture, no difference, but the graft and surrounding tissue extensive adhesions; light microscope: contralateral renal cortical tubular epithelial cells have watery degeneration, occasional few medullary protein and Cell tube. Ipsilateral kidney in addition to see and similar changes in the contralateral, the cortex, occasionally steatosis, a small number of glomerular atrophy, compensatory partial glomerular compensatory hypertrophy and interstitial mesenchymal fibrosis; electron microscopy: both sides of the kidney There was no obvious abnormality in the pellet. The tubule epithelial cells in the experimental side were swollen, the arrangement of microvilli was disordered, the cytoplasm vacuolus was increased, the mitochondria were blurred, the lysosomes were increased, and the distal convoluted tubules and part of the collecting duct were necrosis. Conclusion: Renal transplantation can temporarily consider anastomosis of lymphatic vessels
笔者在教学《驿路梨花》这篇课文组织学生讨论时 ,学生就本文的记叙方法提出了多种不同的意见。归纳起来有三种。第一种 :顺叙。理由如次 :本文作者以我和老余的见闻为线索 ,
数字,除了表示克实的数量外,在诗文中还具有多种修辞的妙用,成为刻画人物、写景状物、点染诗情画意和表达各种思想感情的重要手段,具有极强的表现力。 Numbers, in additio
目的 探讨四喃唑嗪和非那甾胺合用和单用治疗前列腺增生症排尿困难的疗效。方法  72例前列腺增生症排尿困难的患者用四喃唑嗪和非那甾胺合用和单用治疗。结果 两药合用组
同学们,你们听说过“二恶英”吗?二恶英到底是什么呢?它是如何产生的?对我们有什么危害呢? 专家研究发现,二恶英其实是一个庞大的家族,它们都是无色无味的脂溶性物质,大约包
目的 观察低分子量肝素(LMWH) 对阿霉素(soxorubicim)肾病大鼠的抗凝作用。方法 采用阿霉素复制肾病综合征模型大鼠,并随机分为4 组,以0-9% NaCl 注射液为对照组,以不同剂量的低分子量肝素为观察组Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ。
1 叶绿体色素分离效果较好的材料 有菠菜、白菜、大蒜、芹菜、芥菜、莴苣、红扶桑等植物叶片。陈曾燕 (广西北海市第二中学  5 3 6 0 0 5 )2 大蒜蒜瓣表皮制作临时装片
学生学习古代散文 ,常常感到十分困难。为此 ,我通过长期的教学实践 ,探索出了一条“紧扣一字 ,化难为易”的学习方法。这样 ,学生便可一个字而涉及整篇课文 ,既领会了课文的
语文学科要培养学生的形象思维能力 ,尤其要通过课堂教学 ,使学生能够感受文学形象 ,揣摩作品语言 ,领悟作品艺术价值。随着当代高新技术 ,特别是多媒体技术的发展 ,为我们提