Behavior of Pile Groups under Lateral Load

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunwen_fly
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Based on investigation and model tests, and in combination with the research work on group effect for pile groups under lateral loads relating to the code of fixed offshore platforms, a series of studies have been performed on the behavior and failure mechanism of laterally loaded pile groups, critical pile spacing inducing group effect, lateral bearing capacity of pile groups and its main influence factors, the stress-strain relationship for single piles and pile groups and so on. Some new laws about non-uniformity of load distribution in the longitudinal direction of pile groups and load-deflection (p - y) curves for pile groups have been discovered, and an empirical formula is presented in order to remedy the defect of current calculating methods at home and abroad. These results can be used for reference in the design of pile foundation under lateral loads. Based on investigation and model tests, and in combination with the research work on group effect for pile groups under lateral loads relating to the code of fixed offshore platforms, a series of studies have been performed on the behavior and failure mechanism of laterally loaded pile groups , critical pile spacing inducing group effect, lateral bearing capacity of pile groups and its main influence factors, the stress-strain relationship for single piles and pile groups and so on. Some new laws about non-uniformity of load distribution in the longitudinal direction of pile groups and load-deflection (p-y) curves for pile groups have been discovered, and an empirical formula is presented in order to remedy the defect of current calculating methods at home and abroad. These results can be used for reference in the design of pile foundation under lateral loads.
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