因材制宜 共同进步——人教版两种英语教材在同一城市使用的相关教研活动

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兰州市是甘肃省的省会城市,共包括四个主城区和郊区的三县一区以及国家级新区。兰州市教科所的教研任务覆盖各县区和市属学校共十个片区。小学英语全部采用人教社的教材,其中有两种情况,城关区使用的是一年级起点的《新起点》小学英语教材,其余9各片区均采用三年级起点的《PEP》小学英语教材,还有一部分学校应广大家长和学校特色是从一年级开始开设小学英语课,一、二年级也是采用《新起点教材》。城市不大情况复杂,以下介绍各个县区、 Lanzhou is the capital city of Gansu Province and consists of three counties and one district as well as national-level new districts in the four main urban areas and suburbs. Lanzhou City, the teaching and research mission covered counties and municipal schools a total of ten areas. There are two kinds of situations in which primary school English are taught by people. There are two kinds of situations. Chengguan District uses the “new starting point” primary school English teaching materials from the first grade. The other nine districts use “PEP” primary school English teaching materials from the third grade. Another part of the school should be the majority of parents and school characteristics from the first grade opened primary school English classes, first and second grade is the use of “new starting point textbook.” The city is not complicated, the following describes each county,