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根据南方多期构造改造及油气演化复杂性的特点 ,将南方中、古生界古今油气藏分成原生、次生及再生烃油气藏 3类。原生及次生油气藏的分布主要受生烃凹陷邻近的古隆起及古斜坡控制 ,再生烃油气藏分布主要受“二次生烃”或晚期生烃中心控制。南方现存的中、古生界工业性油气藏特别是天然气藏的成藏期均较晚 ,以第三纪为主 ;南方中、古生界烃源岩存在早期—晚期的多期生烃、多期成藏 ,而勘探的重点应该是晚期生烃及晚期成藏的油气藏。晚侏罗世—早白垩世燕山运动对南方中、古生界原生油气藏的保存与破坏起到了决定性的作用 ,它控制了现今南方中、古生界主要油气藏成因类型———次生型及再生烃型油气藏的分布。上扬子地区主要考虑次生气藏的勘探 ,中、下扬子地区主要考虑再生烃油气藏的勘探。指出了具体油气勘探有利区并已经得到苏北盆地盐城凹陷朱家墩气田及江汉盆地沉湖地区南部开先台西含油构造勘探发现的证实 According to the characteristics of multistage tectonic transformation in South China and the complexity of hydrocarbon evolution, the ancient and modern Paleozoic reservoirs in southern China are divided into three types: primary, secondary and regenerated hydrocarbon reservoirs. The distribution of primary and secondary reservoirs is mainly controlled by the paleo-uplift and paleo-slopes adjacent to the hydrocarbon generating depression. The distribution of the regenerated hydrocarbon reservoirs is mainly controlled by “secondary hydrocarbon generation” or late hydrocarbon generation. The existing intermediate and Paleozoic industrial reservoirs in the south, especially the natural gas reservoirs, were later in age and mainly hosted in the Tertiary. In the southern and middle Palaeozoic source rocks, there were early-late multi-stage hydrocarbon generation and more Period of accumulation, and exploration should focus on late hydrocarbon generation and late accumulation of reservoir. The Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Yanshan movement played a decisive role in preserving and destroying the Mesozoic and Paleozoic oil and gas reservoirs in the South, controlling the genetic types of the major oil and gas reservoirs in the Mesozoic and Paleozoic Type and Regenerative Hydrocarbon Reservoir Distribution. The exploration of secondary gas reservoirs is mainly considered in the Upper Yangtze region, while the exploration of regenerated hydrocarbon reservoirs is mainly considered in the middle and lower Yangtze regions. It is pointed out that the specific oil and gas exploration favorable area has been confirmed by the discovery of the Zhujiadun gas field in the Yancheng depression of the Subei basin and the exploration of the Kaixian tai oil-bearing structure in the south of the Shenhu area of ​​the Jianghan basin
豫谷26是河南省安阳市农业科学院选育的抗拿捕净除草剂优质高产谷子新品种。2014~2015年参加国家(华北夏谷区组)谷子品种区域试验,2 a平均产量为5 921.3 kg/hm2,较对照冀谷19
用P-矢量诊断方法对西北太平洋等位势密度面上的地转环流进行了研究; 所用的资料是美国海军0.5°× 0.5°水平分辨率的月平均温度和盐度资料, 该资料源自美国海军收集的1930
运用蜿蜒性河流的演变理论 ,研究了笑牌 洲湾河段演变的一般性与特殊性规律。认为由于柯氏力的作用以及地质条件的差异 ,使该河段既有一般蜿蜒性河道演变规律 ,又有不对称、