A VMIMO-Based Cooperative Routing Algorithm for Maximizing Network Lifetime

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sandy323199000
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Energy efficiency is an important criterion for routing algorithms in the wireless sensor network. Cooperative routing can reduce energy consumption effectively stemming from its diversity gain advantage. To solve the energy consumption problem and maximize the network lifetime, this paper proposes a Virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output based Cooperative Routing algorithm(VMIMOCR). VMIMOCR chooses cooperative relay nodes based on Virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output Model, and balances energy consumption by reasonable power allocation among transmitters, and decides the forwarding path finally. The experimental results show that VMIMOCR can improve network lifetime from 37% to 348% in the medium node density, compared with existing routing algorithms. Energy efficiency is an important criterion for routing algorithms in the wireless sensor network. Cooperative routing can reduce energy consumption effectively stemming from its diversity gain advantage. To solve the energy consumption problem and maximize the network lifetime, this paper proposes a Virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output based Cooperative Routing algorithm (VMIMOCR). VMIMOCR chooses cooperative relay nodes based on Virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output Model, and balances energy consumption by reasonable power allocation among transmitters, and decides the forwarding path finally. The experimental results show that VMIMOCR can improve network lifetime from 37% to 348% in the medium node density, compared with existing routing algorithms.
1 山船重工基本情况rn山海关船舶重工有限责任公司(以下简称山船重工)前身为交通部山海关船厂,1972年开始兴建,1977年简易投产,1986年正式投产,2007年转股改制为山海关船舶重
1 甜菜的生理学特性和需水规律rn从甜菜生理学方面看,甜菜是深根系作物,根系发达,主根多且侧根数量也多.甜菜叶面的角质层较厚,维管束和栅栏组织发达,叶脉多而稠密,与其它农