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患者,女,34岁。因间歇性腰、下腹部胀痛伴血尿已3年入院。检查:下腹正中压痛,无反跳痛。腰部叩击痛(+)。B超提示左侧输尿管下端结石。尿路平片:左侧盆腔有三个与输尿管走向吻合之致密阴影,上一个为条形,竖直存在,约3cm×1.3cm,下面二个呈三角形,由外上向内下排列,长宽1.3cm左右,见分层;考虑为结石。分泌性和逆行性造影,右侧尿路示肾盂和部分输尿管重复。上肾盂较小,仅一个大盏;下肾盂较大,有两个大盏,但小盏数目相对减少。同侧输尿管腹腔段重复,“Y”形连接于第5腰椎旁。左侧尿路于分泌性造影片上显示小盏数目略减少、肾盂和输尿管正常.但在肾盂影上方2cm又发现一孤立的、 Patient, female, 34 years old. Due to intermittent lumbar, lower abdominal pain with hematuria have been hospitalized for 3 years. Check: middle abdominal tenderness, no rebound tenderness. Waist tapping pain (+). B-tip prompted the lower ureter stones. Urethral plain film: the left pelvic cavity has three consistent with the dense shadow of the ureter, the last for the bar, vertical existence of about 3cm × 1.3cm, the following two were triangular, arranged from the outside to the inside, length and breadth About 1.3cm, see stratification; consider as stone. Secretion and retrograde angiography, the right urinary tract showed renal pelvis and ureter duplication. On the smaller renal pelvis, only a big cup; the lower renal pelvis, there are two large light, but the relative number of small light bulbs. Ipsilateral ureter abdominal segment repeated “Y” shape connected to the 5th lumbar. Left urinary tract in the secretion of the film shows a small number of small light slightly reduced renal pelvis and ureter .But in the shadow of the renal pelvis 2cm and found an isolated,
高校招生从“3+2”模式改成“3+X”模式 ,这一改变带来新内容、新成份、新冲击 ,我们物理教师应冷静地认真思考分析、更新教学观念、适当调整复习思路 ,以达到提高物理课的复
Xiaofei Tian’s Tao Yuanming and Manuscript Culture:the Record of a Dusty Table was published in US,2005.Then the author translated this book into Chinese with
高中物理第二册 (必修 )课本中关于“磁性材料”一节 ,教材提到“磁体受到高温后会失去磁性” .由于各种铁磁性材料都有一特定的温度 ,称为居里点 .当其工作温度高于居里点时
一幅实验简介示意图由于它蕴含了丰富的知识内容和实验设计思想 ,那当是绝好的教学素材 .在高三第一轮复习中 ,笔者通过对高二物理必修本第九章第四节实验插图的层层挖掘、诱