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依据大连市实地调查数据,首次尝试利用农民主观感受指标测度医疗服务可及性状况,并在此基础上详细探讨了影响医疗服务可及性的不同因素以及医疗服务可及性与医疗服务利用关系.研究认为,农民医疗服务可及性仍有较大提升空间.虽然“新农合”积极作用值得肯定,但农民依然面临着“看病贵”和“看病难”问题.此外,医疗服务可及性感受已经严重抑制了农民的医疗服务消费需求.尽管诸如收入、健康状况以及主观倾向等需方因素显著影响医疗服务可及性,但现阶段唯有结合供给方的有效改革才是提高农民医疗服务可及性的关键. Based on the field survey data in Dalian, the first attempt to measure the availability of medical services using subjective perception of farmers and on the basis of which the different factors affecting the accessibility of medical services and the relationship between access to medical services and the utilization of medical services are discussed in detail According to the research, there is still much room for improvement in the accessibility of medical services to peasants.While the positive role of NCMS is worthy of recognition, peasants still face the problem of “expensive medical treatment” and “difficult medical treatment”. In addition, the perceived accessibility of medical services has severely curtailed peasant health care consumer demand, and while demand-side factors such as income, health status, and subjective tendencies have a significant impact on access to health care services, at this stage, Reform is the key to improving the accessibility of peasants’ medical services.
运用逐步回归方法,采用分子描述码对脂肪醇的溶解度和辛醇/水分配系数进行预测,相关系数在0.99以上.结果表明,该方法能够用于预测有机物物性. The stepwise regression meth
随着经济的繁荣发展,中国 急需尽快采用绿色环保技 术,否则,这些发展将破坏 环境,甚至遏止经济的增长 With economic prosperity and development, China urgently needs to
M4410扫描速度:多激光头1260行/秒,单激光头70行/秒,自动识别5处条形码;指示器声音提示,电源:3W/5VDC;温度范围:0-35摄氏度。湿度范围:20%-80%RH TeamPOS4000美观使用、经济,操作简易的10.4"特大触摸屏幕,标准 M4410 Scan speed: Multi-la
The horizontal direct chill (HDC) casting process is a well-established production route for aluminum alloy ingot but the ingot may suffer from macrosegregation
洛政办〔2009〕22号2009年3月18日各县(市、区)人民政府,市人民政府有关部门:《洛阳市水土保持国策宣传教育行动实施方案》已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真遵照执行。 L