
来源 :中国健康教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangping118
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目的 通过实施世界银行贷款中国血吸虫病控制项目健康教育干预 ,提高目标人群血吸虫病防治知识知晓率 ,减少目标人群因生产和生活性接触疫水的行为 ,促进开展血吸虫病综合防治措施。方法 在项目省采用定性和定量研究随机抽样调查的方法 ,以基线调查比较干预后目标人群知识、态度等指标 ,疫水接触行为采用追踪记录法和现场观察法。结果  1998年黄陂县全国试点目标人群血防知识、态度、行为等指标均达到85 %以上 ,≤ 15岁低年龄组人群血吸虫查病阳性率明显比高年龄组人群低 ;1998年项目省试点县终期评估抽样调查人群相关知识及格率明显提高 ,人群减少接触疫水行为正确率显著增加。结论 以健康教育广泛传播血吸虫病防治知识 ,不仅能增强目标人群的血防意识 ,改变接触疫水的行为 ,还能有效地促进实施周期性化疗 ,环境局部灭螺、安全供水和粪便管理等防治血吸虫病综合措施。健康教育已经成为我国控制血吸虫病的一种主要措施之一 ,这是世界银行贷款中国血吸虫病控制项目的重要成果 Objectives Through the implementation of World Bank-financed health education intervention in the Chinese Schistosomiasis Control Project to increase awareness of schistosomiasis control knowledge among target populations, and reduce the target population’s exposure to epidemic water due to production and living sexuality, and promote integrated schistosomiasis control measures. Methods In the project province, qualitative and quantitative random sampling surveys were used. Baseline surveys were conducted to compare the knowledge and attitudes of the target population after intervention. Follow-up records and field observations were used for epidemic water contact behavior. Results The targets of schistosomiasis prevention knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of target population in Huangpi County in 1998 were all above 85%. The positive rate of schistosomiasis in the low-age group was lower than that in the high-age group. During the period of assessment, the relevant knowledge passing rate of the sample survey population was significantly improved, and the correct rate of the population to reduce contact with epidemic water was significantly increased. Conclusion The widespread spread of schistosomiasis control knowledge in health education can not only enhance the schistosomiasis awareness of the target population, change the behavior of contact with epidemic water, but also effectively promote the implementation of recurrent chemotherapy, local environmental snail control, safe water supply and fecal management to prevent schistosomiasis Integrated measures. Health education has become one of the major measures for the control of schistosomiasis in China. This is an important result of the World Bank loan program for schistosomiasis control in China.
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