[目的 ]探讨胎儿窘迫原因 ,降低新生儿窒息。 [方法 ]对 1998年住院分娩的 6 90例胎儿窘迫病例进行回顾性分析。[结果 ]胎儿窘迫占分娩总数的 15 .5 % ,胎儿窘迫因素前 3位为 :脐带血运受阻、胎膜早破、过期妊娠 ;胎儿窘迫中剖宫产新生儿窒息率最低 (P<0 .0 0 1) ,胎儿窘迫治疗组新生儿 Apgar评分明显低于未治疗组 (P<0 .0 2 )。 [结论 ]加强产前监测 ,对胎儿窘迫早发现早处理 ,并适当放宽剖宫产指征。
[Objective] To investigate the causes of fetal distress and reduce neonatal asphyxia. [Methods] A retrospective analysis of 6 90 cases of fetal distress hospitalized in 1998 was conducted. [Results] Fetal distress accounted for 15.5% of the total number of deliveries. The first three factors of fetal distress were: blocked cord blood transfusions, premature rupture of membranes, and overdue pregnancies; neonatal asphyxia of cesarean section was the lowest in fetal distress (P <0 .0 0 1). The Apgar score of newborns in fetal distress group was significantly lower than that of untreated group (P <0. 02). [Conclusion] Strengthen the prenatal monitoring, early detection of fetal distress early treatment, and appropriate relaxation of cesarean indications.