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1994年的10月,IBM公司有28位最高层领导云集北京,与国家计委、电子部共同举办了一次为期三天的现代信息技术论坛和展示会,共同探讨和展望了信息产业的战略方向与发展趋势,同时用50多个展台,展示了该公司最新的高、精、尖技术产品,以及这些产品在社会发展各个方面所发挥的作用。 会议期间,江泽民主席接见了IBM高级代表团成员,国家计委付主任曾培炎和电子部部长胡启立到会并讲了话。该公司高级付总裁兼IBM世界贸易公司董事长刘天博先生以“建立合作伙伴关系的策略”为题,纵论了IBM的优势、策略以及与中国的关系。 他说:“为了这个盛会,IBM几乎所有的高层领导都来了,他们是IBM全球策略的制定者,IBM技术、软件、服务与解决方案的领导者,分别向大家介绍IBM丰富的信息资源和帮中国实现其宏伟目标的技术。 IBM作为中国通讯工业的伙伴,在中国已建立了三个分公司,五家合资企业,共有800多名中国雇员。最近同吉通通信公司又建立了一个开发先进数据网络以支持中国“三金”工程的讯通公司。我们很荣幸被电子部邀请作为技术咨询顾问。我们全面调整、重新制定了6项战略目标,它们是: 1)要继续锞持技术领先; 2)要在全世界分布式客户机/服务器应用程序中保持领先; 3)在网络中心计算机环境方面领先; 4)全面词整为客户? In October 1994, IBM had 28 top leaders gathered in Beijing. They jointly organized a three-day modern information technology forum and exhibition with the State Planning Commission and the Department of Electronics to discuss and prospect the strategic direction of the information industry. With development trends, more than 50 booths were used at the same time to demonstrate the company’s latest high-tech, precision, and cutting-edge technology products, and the role these products play in all aspects of social development. During the meeting, President Jiang Zemin met with a senior member of the IBM delegation. Zeng Peiyan, the director of the State Planning Commission, and Hu Qili, the minister of the Ministry of Electronics, attended the meeting and spoke. Mr. Liu Tianbo, Senior Payment President of the company and Chairman of IBM World Trade Corporation, regarded the “Strategy for Establishing Partnerships” as the theme, discussing IBM’s advantages, strategies and relations with China. He said: “For this event, almost all of IBM’s senior leaders have come. They are the makers of IBM’s global strategy, IBM’s leader in technology, software, services and solutions. They introduced IBM’s rich information resources and Technology to help China achieve its grand goals As a partner of China’s communications industry, IBM has established three branches in China, five joint ventures, and more than 800 Chinese employees, and recently established a development advanced with the same company. Data Network In support of China’s ”Three Golden" project, Xantong was honored to be invited by the Electronic Department as a technical consultant. We have comprehensively adjusted and re-established 6 strategic objectives. They are: 1) To continue to hold on to technology leadership 2) To stay ahead of the world in distributed client/server applications; 3) to lead in the network environment of the network center; 4) to use the full term for the customer?
长春汽油机股份有限公司是生产小型汽油机的专业厂,有30余年的历史。是1986年国家三委(计委、经委、机械委)联合确定的19个摩托车定点生产企业之一。 该公司1984年以技贸结
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在四届理事会和协会秘书处的领导下,四年来,企管网结合改革的形势和协会工作要点,在信息传播和组织交流方面,做了一些工作,现简要汇报如下。 1 结合形势,有的放矢的组织开展
美国会参院拨款委员会认真审议了军方提出的1996财政年度国防拨款项目。对其中的电子战部分追加和增加的款项较多,现分列如下,以便读者了解这一动向。 The US Senate Appro