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目的评价23条目杜克社会支持量表(DSSI-23)在农村老年人中的信度和效度。方法采用分层随机整群抽样方法在四川省自贡市和广元市农村地区抽取1 021名≥60岁且无严重听力及精神障碍的老年人进行问卷调查;应用分半信度和Cronbach’sα系数评价量表的信度,应用会聚效度、区别效度、结构效度和判别效度评估量表的效度。结果 DSSI-23量表的分半信度系数为0.910,量表总体Cronbach’sα系数为0.873;社会交往、主观社会支持、社会支持利用3个维度的Cronbach’sα系数分别为0.459、0.855、0.888,依次删除3个维度中某一维度条目后总的Cronbach’sα系数分别为0.891、0.803、0.808,均>0.8,量表具有较好的信度;各条目与总分间的相关系数为0.192~0.690(均P<0.01),会聚效度与区别效度定标实验成功率均为100%,量表会聚效度和区别效度较好;对量表进行验证性因子分析,各拟合指标为:近似误差均方根(RMSEA)为0.082、拟合优度指数(GFI)为0.837、规范拟合指数(NFI)为0.807、比较拟合指数(CFI)为0.827、增值拟合指数(IFI)为0.828;不同特征农村老年人DSSI-23量表各维度得分及量表总分比较,不同年龄农村老年人社会交往和主观社会支持维度得分均不同,不同文化程度、婚姻状况农村老年人社会交往、主观社会支持、社会支持利用维度得分和量表总分均不同,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05),量表具有较好的判别效度。结论 DSSI-23量表用于中国农村老年人社会支持研究的信度较好,会聚效度、区别效度和判别效度较好,但结构效度较差,提示一些条目需要进一步改进。 Objective To evaluate the reliability and validity of the 23-item Duke Social Support Scale (DSSI-23) in rural elderly. Methods A stratified randomized cluster sampling method was used to survey 1,021 elderly people aged 60 years or older and without severe hearing and mental disorders in Zigong City, Sichuan Province and rural areas of Guangyuan City. The questionnaires were divided into two groups by semi-reliability and Cronbach’s α coefficient The reliability of the scale was evaluated, and the validity of the scale was evaluated using the convergence validity, discriminative validity, structural validity and discriminant validity. Results The score of semi-reliability of DSSI-23 scale was 0.910, and the overall Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of scale was 0.873. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of three dimensions of social interaction, subjective social support and social support were 0.459, 0.855 and 0.888 , The total Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of all the three dimensions in a row are 0.891,0.803,0.808, all of which are> 0.8. The scale has good reliability; the correlation coefficient between each item and the total score is 0.192 ~ 0.690 (all P <0.01). The success rate of both the convergence validity and the discrimination validity calibration was 100%, and the convergence and validity of the scale were better. The confirmatory factor analysis The indexes were as follows: the RMSEA was 0.082, the GFI was 0.837, the NFI was 0.807, the CFI was 0.827, and the value-added fit index IFI) was 0.828. Compared with scores of DSSI-23 in different characteristics of rural elderly, the scores of social interaction and subjective social support of the elderly in different age groups were different, with different educational level and marital status in rural elderly Social interaction, subjective social support, social support and utilization of dimensions The total score and points are different, the differences were statistically significant (P <0.05), scale has good discriminant validity. Conclusions The DSSI-23 scale has a good reliability for social support studies of the elderly in rural China. The convergence validity, discriminant validity and discriminant validity are good, but the structural validity is poor, suggesting that some items need to be further improved.
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