
来源 :金属材料与热加工工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyfwgc2005
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我厂生产的煤矿DZ-22单体液压支柱,其中油缸和活柱筒属于长筒形工件,其尺寸为油缸φ114×10×1050毫米;活柱筒φ95×10×1050毫米。这二种零件均需进行调质处理。过去,我们采用中频感应加热,工件垂直整体入水的淬火工艺,但因工件较长,淬火后的弯曲变形较大,90%以上可达1~4毫米,超过了工艺要求。因此,还需增加校直和时效工序,大大地降低了生产效率,增加了工人劳动强度和工时、成本。限制了大批量的生产。为此,我们自制了一台热压淬火机床,用这台机床,和中频感应加热相配合,在淬火的过程中,控制油缸和活柱筒的弯曲变形,达到了很好的效果。 I plant the coal mine DZ-22 single hydraulic props, cylinders and live cylinder belonging to the long cylindrical workpiece, the size of the cylinder φ114 × 10 × 1050 mm; live cylinder φ95 × 10 × 1050 mm. Both parts need to be quenched and tempered. In the past, we used induction induction heating, the vertical workpiece into the water quenching process, but the longer the workpiece, the greater the bending deformation after quenching, 90% up to 1 to 4 mm, exceeding the process requirements. Therefore, the need to increase the straightening and aging processes, greatly reducing the production efficiency and increase the labor intensity and working hours, costs. High-volume production is limited. To this end, we made a hot press quenching machine, with this machine, and induction heating with the match, in the quenching process, the control cylinder and the cylinder bending deformation, and achieved good results.
本交系苏联专家利比娜同志1954年在我国作的报告,最近有许多同志新参加煤田物探工作,特发表以供学习。 This diplomatic note is a report made by our Libyan expert Libin
《电加工》1981年刊登李岐亮同志的“数控线切割排故实例”文章后很受启发,但文中对因二极管引起的故障涉及较少,现补充几例如下: 例一现象:x寄存器置不进数,y、J寄存器置数
十六大以来,河北省交通技术学校党委认真组织教职工学习“三个代表”重要思想,把十六大精神深入贯彻到了各项工作中。 (一) 一个具有战斗力和竞争力的 Since the 16th CPC
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